Chapter 328 Talent Contest (09)

"Of course!" Xia Xin laughed wildly, she just knew that Xia Heyi would definitely play!

Although she was a little surprised that Xia Heyi's performance in the talent contest was piano, although she had heard Xia Mingzhi and his wife say that Xia Heyi wanted to learn piano before, but that was a long time ago. Heyi has given up.

And when she first heard that Xia Heyi wanted to learn the piano, she also suggested to Xia Mingzhi that she also wanted to learn the piano. The excuse she used on the surface was "When my sister comes back in the future, I can still play the piano with her for Dad." Listen, mom! The two of us are making progress together!" At the beginning, she asked to learn the piano, not only because Xia Heyi said that it was so easy to learn the piano, but she had just entered Xia's house not long ago. With Yi's pampered temperament, he will definitely learn the piano soon, and as long as he studies hard and perseveres, when Xia Heyi comes home and she proposes to play the piano with her, that's all!As long as Xia Heyi said "I can't, I don't learn piano anymore." With this sentence, as long as she fanned the flames, Xia Heyi would definitely not be able to escape Xia Mingzhi's scolding!

Having not heard Xia Heyi playing the piano for so many years, she really thought she had given up.

So this time when she saw that she was going to play the piano, she was a little shocked, but after all, it was just a little shock.

In terms of piano proficiency, she is confident that she can completely surpass Xia Heyi!

During the preparation period for the talent competition, for more than a whole week, she could always see that Xia Heyi was still practicing crazily when Wang Shiqi decided to go home.I noticed that Ji Shaoyi was outside the practice room, but she didn't expect that Xia Heyi would practice so "crazily". According to people in her class, she was always sleepy in class this week. She will fall asleep, which proves that Xia Heyi really wants to advance from the first round of the talent contest!
But now, Wang Shiqi was taken away by her.Xia Heyi will definitely not be able to find her!

But after so long of hard training, will she choose not to play?No, Xia Heyi's temperament will definitely make another desperate struggle!

Isn't there Ji Shaoyi and Han Feng behind her to support her?

Oh, I also missed Yunyi who was the judge.

It's just that she wants to perform on stage for the last time, and then rely on Ji Shaoyi's strength to persuade the judges to let her advance alone!

However, this will definitely arouse public outrage!And among the judges, there are still many upright people. By then, Xia Heyi won't be able to survive the same?On the contrary, others will say that she failed through the back door. Isn't this a typical self-acceptance, other, humiliation? !
As for her, as long as she witnessed the moment Xia Heyi shed tears when she made a fool of herself, thinking about it now, she felt so relieved!

Xia Heyi, come out, come out!

She couldn't wait, she wanted to see Xia Heyi make a fool of herself!
Xia Xin looked at the stage with almost greedy eyes, come out, Xia Xin!Come out!

The lights came on for a while, and the host came to the stage, "I'm sorry, there was a little accident in the background just now."

Hearing what the host said, the corners of Xia Xin's mouth twitched even more - now it seems that Xia Heyi's embarrassment is foolproof!
(End of this chapter)

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