Chapter 330 Talent Contest (11)

When Lu Yaoguang was facing the audience stage, Yvonne and Yunyi were so excited that they stood up from their seats in the VIP room. This movement shocked many people.

Leaving aside Yunyi, especially Yvonne, after a mighty internationale, suddenly stood up while watching a game?What does this mean?If it's not that there is something wrong with the queen, it's that the performance on the stage really shocked her!

In fact, it was indeed shocking, but what really shocked Yvonne and Yunyi was not Lu Yaoguang's dancing posture, but the two of them recognized that the dancing person was Lu Yaoguang!Even though she was covered with a white veil——

Yvonne: How come? !Didn't Yaoguang say he wouldn't participate?Why did you suddenly appear on stage?

Yunyi: Strange, the partner with Heyi should be a girl named Wang Shiqi, why is it suddenly replaced by Yaoguang? !is something happened?

And the audience in the audience also yelled, why is this dancing girl wearing her hair and veil?

"Hey, hey, what's the matter with this show? Why don't you dare to show your true colors?"

"Please! Don't make noise, can you? It's possible that someone's face was injured, okay? Don't shout! Watch the show!"

"Yvonne, what's the matter? Did something happen?" A judge sitting next to Yvonne saw Yvonne stand up suddenly, and asked with concern.

Only then did Yvonne recover from the shock, waved her hand, and said she was fine, fine...

As for Yunyi, he was also asked by another judge, and he also replied that it was okay, then sat down and began to enjoy the performance on the stage. It seems that something happened... Otherwise, how could Wang Shiqi change? How about becoming Lu Yaoguang?

And... Yunyi looked at Lu Yaoguang who was dancing again, Yaoguang, she can dance? !
Could it be that the two dances in the stage play were performed by Yao Guang himself? !If this is the case, why didn't Yao Guang herself say it?Why not perform in public during the stage play?Instead, make it so mysterious?With doubts in her heart, Yunyi looked at the stage.

Xia Xin clutched at the railing desperately, what's the matter with this man?She doesn't seem to be Wang Shiqi...then who is she? !Why do you want to help Xia Heyi? !
On the other hand, when Yao Fei'er saw Lu Yaoguang turn around, her pupils shrank violently, what's going on?How could it be, her? ······Lu Yaoguang? !
Is it Lu Yaoguang? !No, let her take a closer look!
Xia Heyi has closed her eyes since she put her hands on the keys, she imagined herself as a note jumping on the keys, every time she pressed a key, a note would jump out.

This song [Sleeping Beauty] has a cheerful rhythm, requiring her fingers to keep jumping and jumping on the keyboard, and she can't play a single note wrong.

And Lu Yaoguang cooperated with the music played by Xia Heyi. Her feet seemed to be casted by magic. From the moment she turned around, they continued to move along with the jumping music. Dancing, there is no room for rest, constantly pointing, jumping, the movements of Lu Yaoguang's hands gradually increase with the movements of her feet, at this moment, she no longer thinks about what will happen after this dance As a result, she just needs to enjoy the dance as she usually does when she dances alone...
(End of this chapter)

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