Chapter 331 Talent Contest (12)

Lu Yaoguang put all her heart and soul into this dance, she changed with the rhythm, the movements of her hands and feet kept jumping, her long black hair was also dancing with her at this time, It didn't bring any inconvenience to Lu Yaoguang's performance at all. Lu Yaoguang looked like a little fairy jumping happily among the flowers, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

As the song of "Sleeping Beauty" comes to an end, Xia Heyi's fingers slowly slow down. The rhythm slowed down until the end of the last note, and then the playing ended. This fast-to-slow rhythm gave people a feeling of endless meaning.

And this sudden slowdown of the rhythm also places very strict demands on the dancers.

She must quickly descend from the fast jump just now... the speed must be slowed down, and the timing of her footsteps landing must also be identified, otherwise it is easy to cause the dancer to panic because she cannot keep up with the rhythm of the cause. This leads to wrong steps on the feet.

With the sound of the last syllable, the audience in the audience was relieved from the song "Sleeping Beauty". Some audience members were so intoxicated by Xia Heyi's piano music that they could not extricate themselves. Just close their eyes, some audience members are obsessed with the dancing posture of the dancer on the stage, watching the dancer jumping on the stage, their footsteps unconsciously move gently on the ground, as if their own Jumping like on stage...
When Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang stood together and bowed to the audience once again, there was a round of warm applause from the audience.

Yvonne was so excited that she stood up again, and she waved at Lu Yaoguang regardless of her image. Lu Yaoguang chuckled when she saw Yvonne waving at her. This Yvonne, after all, doesn't have the self-consciousness to be a big star?
At this time, the host came on stage, "Wow, the wonderful performance just now is really fascinating to watch!"

"So, what are the scores given by the judges?"

"Will this group pass? Now, please judges..."

Before the host finished speaking, at this moment, a sharp voice suddenly came from the auditorium——

"Wait a minute! That performer is not Wang Shiqi at all! Xia Heyi fouled her!"

Xia Xin said, rushed to the front of the stage, and pointed to Lu Yaoguang who was standing beside Xia Heyi.

When Xia Xin said this, everyone was shocked.

"What? That performer isn't Wang Shiqi?"

"Wait, who is Wang Shiqi?!"

"Are you stupid? Don't you know how to read the list? Wang Shiqi is the one who performed with Xia Heyi."

"Then what does Xia Xin mean by saying this now? Isn't that person dancing on the stage Wang Shiqi? Then who is she?"

Xia Heyi's heart was lifted into her throat the moment Xia Xin pointed her finger at Lu Yaoguang, what should I do?what to do?
Feeling Xia Heyi's nervousness, Lu Yaoguang stretched out his hand, grabbed Xia Heyi's hand, held it tightly, and conveyed warmth to Xia Heyi.

Don't be afraid, I'm here!

"Judges, audience! The person who danced with Xia Heyi is not the partner with Xia Heyi on the list at all!" Xia Xin looked at Xia Heyi, sneering.

 After thinking about it, I should divide the seven chapters into four chapters and three chapters, right?
(End of this chapter)

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