Chapter 336 Another Reason (01)
"You, do you know how to write the word polite? Talking to our Miss Yvonne is so rude, do you still want to hang out in Saint-Gerry?!"

"Impolite people..."

"Get out, get out, you are not welcome here..."


Xia Xin blushed when she saw that she was abused by so many people because of Yvonne's words, "You, do you know who I am? How dare you say that about me?!"

"Who are you? Who are you?"

"That's right, who are you?"


"I, I'm the daughter of the Xia family of the 'Xia Nian' group!" Xia Xin couldn't be more angry after all. How could she have been treated like this in St. Geli?Who would not respectfully nod and bow when seeing her, wishing to curry favor with her?

"Fuck, what's the daughter of 'Xia Nian'? Haven't heard of it, okay? I thought it was something special."

"What are you the daughter of 'Xia Nian'? The daughter of 'Xia Nian' is clearly the Xia Heyi who is standing on the stage right now, okay? You are just adopted!"

"What, what?! Superb news! Is it reliable?!"

"Of course it's reliable! My mother told me this!"

"Tch, I thought it was awesome! I didn't expect it to be fake?"

"You are a fake daughter and dare to show off your power with a real daughter? You are so disgusting..."


"You! You guys!" Xia Xin has been talking to you for a long time, but it's hard for you to come up with a reason. You Yvonne, you pushed her to the top of the rumors with a casual word, and made so many people have opinions and prejudices against her!

What Xia Xin didn't expect was that her identity would be exposed in such a situation. What should I do? !At that time, I'm afraid that everyone in the school will go to curry favor with Xia Heyi, and they will no longer be respectful to themselves. In addition, she has messed with Yvonne now...

"Xia Xin, don't talk anymore..." Yao Fei'er looked at the scene in front of her. She really didn't expect that Yvonne's simple sentence would push Xia Xin to the cusp of the storm. In this situation, Xia Xin It's better for Xin to talk less.

Xia Xin was naturally very angry, but there was no way, how could she speak to so many people by herself? !
Damn Xia Heyi, how could Yvonne have anything to do with her? !
Now, Xia Xin has already subconsciously believed that Yvonne is now with Xia Heyi, and she is here to help Xia Heyi ease the current situation!

"Okay, okay, stop arguing." Yvonne deliberately waited for the audience to say more about Xia Xin before she spoke, "I've been very busy recently, but I still took time to come to St. It's just because of the gracious invitation from St. Geli's school leaders, and there's another reason..." Yvonne paused, and everyone held their breath, what's the other reason?They couldn't wait to know what was the other reason Yvonne said...

"It's the young lady who is the backup dancer for my MV. She is my classmate in junior high school. Now, she is studying in St. Geli!"

As soon as Yvonne finished speaking, it was like dropping a bomb in the crowd, which made everyone boil!

"Oh my god, my Ms. Yvonne's MV backup dancer is actually a classmate of hers? Moreover, Ms. Yvonne calls that person Miss Sister. It seems that they have a very good relationship!"

 Yvonne is a god assist...

(End of this chapter)

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