Chapter 337 Another Reason (02)
"Oh my god, that person is also studying at St. Gregory's College? I'm actually in the same school as her?! Ahhh, what an honor, what an honor!"

When Yao Fei'er heard Yvonne say this, her pupils widened instantly, and an unlikely idea spread in her mind, wouldn't it?Impossible?not right?

Yao Fei'er looked at the veiled woman standing on the stage in horror, it's impossible!It can't be her!

"Miss Yvonne, tell me, who is that person?!"

"Yeah, yeah, don't hold back!"

"I really want to know who she is!"

"Miss Yvonne, don't be tricky, just tell us!"

"Yeah, yeah, tell me, tell me..."

"I love her dancing and Miss Yvonne's singing! I really want to know who she is!"


Yvonne looked at the people on the stage with a smile, and slowly raised her hand—the people on the audience stage followed Yvonne's hand and looked towards the stage...

"No, is it her?!"

"Is that the one dancing with the veil?"

"Is she the one who competed with Xia Heyi?"

"Oh my god, I'm so excited..."

All kinds of voices came from the stage, everyone was looking forward to it, and they became more and more curious about the person wearing the white veil on the stage...

Lu Yaoguang secretly sighed in his heart, it seems that he still can't escape... After that, whether it's a blessing or a curse depends entirely on luck...

Lu Yaoguang stretched out his hand, and slowly took off his veil——

"She is, Lu, Yao, Guang!" And Yvonne, very cooperatively with Lu Yaoguang's movement of taking off the veil, after Yvonne finished saying Lu Yaoguang's name, Lu Yaoguang happened to undo the veil.

Under the stage, there were shocking voices——

No, impossible!This, how can this be true? !
Yao Fei'er stared at the person on the stage who took off her veil, Lu Yaoguang, how could she be the backup dancer of YvonneMV?

How could she be that mysterious dancer who has been on Weibo's hot search list for so many days? !
How could she be...? !

As long as Yao Fei'er remembered that she was also impressed by that mysterious dancer's dance, she would feel very uncomfortable, no, no...impossible...

The media who came to St. Geli took pictures of the stage one after another. What jokes are you talking about?They asked Yvonne so many times in a row, who was the mysterious dancer, and Yvonne never revealed who it was, but now, she actually revealed who this person was in St. Gerry's!

Oh my gosh, exclusive, exclusive!

This is headline news!
Lu Yaoguang was dazzled by the flashing lights under the stage, and felt confused and uneasy...

"So what?!" At this moment, Yao Fei'er yelled at Lu Yaoguang, "Even if she is Yvonne... the mysterious dancer in Sister Yvonne's new song MV, even if she is Sister Yvonne's junior high school Classmates! Well, it's a competition now! It's the scene of the St. Geli Talent Competition!"

"Xia Heyi's partner should be Wang Shiqi! Not Lu Yaoguang, who is sister Yvonne's junior high school classmate and the mysterious dancer in the MV!"

yes!There is nothing to panic, Yao Fei'er!You don't need to panic now!Now, you just need to firmly grasp one point, that is, Lu Yaoguang is not Xia Heyi's partner in the competition!No matter how powerful Yvonne is, this is Saint Geli's match after all!It is impossible for her to change the rules!Lu Yaoguang still has to be expelled from St. Geli!

So what if she is the mysterious dancer?So what if she was Yvonne's junior high school classmate?If you make such a mistake, shouldn't you be expelled as well? !

(End of this chapter)

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