Chapter 340 The Principal's Call

But at this moment, the phone in the VIP room rang—the vice-principal frowned, this phone was...

"Sorry everyone, I'll answer it." The vice principal answered the phone with a serious expression.

"Strange, whose phone is that?" Xia Heyi secretly asked Lu Yaoguang, Lu Yaoguang shook her head slightly, she looked at Xia Xin and Yao Fei'er, and Lu Yaoguang also asked if she could stay this time. Hard to say.but······

Lu Yaoguang's arm gently stroked the side of this dance dress, there was something she was looking for in the gap when she just entered the backstage and didn't accompany Ji Shaoyi to find He Yi for the first time .

Since Xia Xin and Yao Fei'er were prepared to hurt Xia Heyi, they should also be prepared to be bitten back by Lu Yaoguang, right?
"Okay, okay. I see." After answering the phone, the vice-principal regretfully picked up the microphone to communicate with everyone again.

On the audience stage in a darker place in the distance, a man answered the phone, "Thank you, thank you very much for your help this time!"

"I'm sorry to have answered a phone call that had to be answered just now. In this phone call, the principal gave me an order."

headmaster? !
As soon as the vice-principal said this, everyone was shocked.

Regarding the principal of St. Geli College, everyone's heart is full of question marks. Who is this principal? !

It can be said that among the students of St. Geli College, many of them have never seen this principal from the time they first entered St. Geli to their graduation.

Including the vice-principal, the vice-principal is only seen during the national flag-raising meeting or even St. Geli's competition.However, this seems to be normal for ordinary schools. I don't see high-level leaders very often, but after all, I still see them from afar.

But this headmaster, that's different.Everyone questioned the existence of this principal, and sometimes, everyone seemed to forget that there was a "principal" in St. Geli's College, because the chances of the principal appearing were really slim, and no one had ever seen such a person. headmaster.

Now, the vice principal actually said that he received a call from the principal?
What did you say in that phone call?
This doubt flashed in the hearts of almost everyone. What did the principal say on the phone?
"The principal only said one word to me on the phone," the vice-principal said solemnly, "He said that talent is the rule!"

"So, student Lu Yaoguang, congratulations, you have been qualified to participate in the St. Geli College Talent Competition!"

"Wow! Whoa!"

Hearing what the vice-principal said, almost everyone exclaimed. Yvonne looked at Lu Yaoguang very happily, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although she wanted to help Lu Yaoguang, this is a school after all. How, she should listen to the school leaders. For a moment, she thought that she couldn't help Yaoguang...
But unexpectedly, now, things have come to a big reversal!

But when she was happy, even Yvonne began to wonder, the headmaster was obviously not in the VIP room, so how did he know what happened here?
Xia Xin and Yao Fei'er's faces were livid, but what can they do now?After all, if it is the principal, if the two of them talk ignorantly at this time, they will definitely be drowned by everyone's spittle!
 It's a bit late qaq let's post each chapter qaq
(End of this chapter)

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