Chapter 341 Unable to Compete (01)

Xia Xin: Damn Xia Heyi, you're lucky!

Yao Fei'er: Damn Lu Yaoguang, just wait for me!

Xia Xin and Yao Fei'er each left the stage with their own grievances. They now have to go backstage to prepare. Since Lu Yaoguang can participate, it means that her and Xia Heyi's performance will definitely advance!There is no doubt about this, and what is more important now is whether they can advance to the next stage in their performance!

"It's really good news!" At this time, the host spoke again, "Then next, will Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang be able to successfully advance to the preliminary round of the St. Geli Talent Competition? Please judges to rate !"

At this time, Xia Heyi started to get nervous again. She had no doubts that Lu Yaoguang could pass this point. After all, the professional judge just now praised Yaoguang, so Yaoguang is fine here, but , The key is yourself, yourself, will you hold Lu Yaoguang back?

"Relax, it's okay, both of us can live." Xia Heyi's nervousness was passed on to Lu Yaoguang through the hands she held tightly with Lu Yaoguang. Lu Yaoguang held Xia Heyi tightly. She believed that, They must be able to pass!
"Okay, it seems that the judges have finished scoring. Now, let's use the machine calculation to see if Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang's [Sleeping Beauty] can pass?"

"Now, let's start announcing the results. Please look at the big screen—3! 2! 1!"

"Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang have passed the review!" As the host announced the results, there was warm applause from the audience. Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang bowed to the audience and walked slowly. backstage.

After stepping backstage, Xia Heyi hugged Lu Yaoguang tightly, "Yaoguang, thank you! If you hadn't arrived in time, I definitely wouldn't have advanced!"

Lu Yaoguang patted Xia Heyi on the shoulder, "Let's go back to the waiting area first! Also, I'm not the only one who came to help you, another person who came to help you is staring at me now , classmate Xia Heyi, if you don't let me go, I guess I will die an ugly death soon."

Lu Yaoguang's words made Xia Heyi, who was originally very moved, burst into laughter. She let go of Lu Yaoguang and walked to Ji Shaoyi. Ji Shaoyi was about to rush to the stage but was stopped by a dozen people backstage To die, later, I received an unknown text message on my mobile phone, which only said one sentence: You don't believe in Xia Heyi?

Although he didn't know who sent this fart text message, how could he not believe Yiyi?Therefore, Ji Shaoyi gave up on the stage, but sat here quietly, waiting for the result.

"Ji Shaoyi!" Xia Heyi stood beside Ji Shaoyi, looking at Ji Shaoyi who looked like he had eaten shit. Ji Shaoyi saw Xia Heyi coming down from the stage just about to stand up and open his arms to welcome Xia Heyi. He Yi, Xia He Yi turned around and hugged Lu Yaoguang tightly. His hands were so open that it was embarrassing!
Look, come again!In Yiyi's heart, Lu Yaoguang is always the friend first, and she doesn't take her husband Ji Shaoyi, a handsome guy, into his eyes at all.

Ji Shaoyi turned his head arrogantly, ignored Xia Heyi, and wanted to tell Xia Heyi with practical actions that Ji Shaoyi was angry!Who made Xia Heyi always ignore herself so much!

(End of this chapter)

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