Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 352 Kill You Immortal Thing!

Chapter 352 Kill You Immortal Thing! (01)

"...Dad..." When Xia Xin heard what Xia Mingzhi said, she almost fainted. So, Xia Mingzhi knew everything she did and said just now?

Xia Mingzhi supported his crutches with both hands. He still has not escaped the baptism of the years. His handsome face in the early years has gradually left traces of the years. Xia Mingzhi did not speak for a long time, but when he opened his mouth , still sighed, "In the early years, I was a soldier with your father..."

Xia Xin was forced to listen to Xia Mingzhi's chatter like this. She didn't know why Xia Mingzhi chose to say this at this time, but now her whole heart was in a mess, and she didn't have the heart to listen to Xia Mingzhi's words at all. Xin's eyes rolled around, she kept thinking about how to explain to Xia Mingzhi later...

"Then we became very good brothers."

"Later, I retired from the army, and your father also retired from the army. The two of us had no contact for a long time."

"I met him again by chance. At that time, I already had a little fame and had my own company. You were only three years old at that time, and your mother passed away...your father later became my close friend. Bodyguard, in fact, the two of us have always been good brothers who can talk about everything, and I have never treated him as a subordinate..." Xia Mingzhi said, his eyes were slightly red, and he was an adult It's over.

"... something happened to your father, and the last words before he left were to ask me to take good care of you." Xia Mingzhi turned his head and looked at Xia Xin. Xia Xin was thinking about how to deal with Xia Mingzhi at this moment, and he didn't know how to deal with Xia Mingzhi at all. She didn't expect Xia Mingzhi to turn her head suddenly at this time. She was taken aback by Xia Mingzhi, and felt that under Xia Mingzhi's eagle-like eyes, the little things in her heart had nowhere to hide.

"I think that over the years, I have not broken the last agreement with your father. I think that I have taken good care of you, even taken care of you, surpassing my own daughter..." Xia As Mingzhi said, there was a flash of pain in his eyes that was too fast to be noticed.

"However," Xia Mingzhi's crutches lifted up and landed heavily, and Xia Xin's heart also rose and fell heavily along with Xia Mingzhi's crutches...

"But, Xin'er, you, why did you become like this?" Xia Mingzhi's words were full of pain, Xia Xin's hanging heart sank, his head was lowered, like a person who obediently admitted his mistake My child, but Xia Mingzhi feels that this action is very scary in his eyes now. He used to look at Xia Xin like this, and was deceived by her pitiful appearance that only showed his forehead. What kind of expression do you have...

As for his daughter, she had already seen Xia Xin's expression clearly, but he never believed in his daughter, which caused her daughter to be framed by Xia Xin and misunderstood by him many times. In the end, I drove out of the house...
"When I first saw you, Xin'er, you were not like this. You timidly called Uncle Daddy, but your eyes were so pure, as pure as snow, and Daddy could see the innocence in your eyes." , see the kindness..."

 The picture that popped up in my mind when I saw Xia Xin from Xia Mingzhi's perspective made me so scared qaq Xia Xin's sinister smile...
(End of this chapter)

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