Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 353 Kill You Immortal Thing!

Chapter 353 Kill You Immortal Thing! (02)

"But why, Dad sees your eyes now, and all he sees is a mass of black, bottomless black...Xin'er, when did you change?"

"Dad, Dad..." Xia Xin looked at Xia Mingzhi with eyes full of tears. She knelt beside Xia Mingzhi, holding Xia Mingzhi's hand with both hands, "Dad, listen to me... just now I Those at the door were unintentional. Really, I didn't mean to! I just, I was just mad at my sister. Dad, do you know? My sister and her classmates stole my entry card, which prevented me from participating in the St. Geli's talent competition, dad, that talent competition is very important to us! It's very important to our Xia family! Xiner participated in the competition to make dad and our family better!"

"But, but now my sister, she is... under the instigation of her bad classmate, she stole my competition certificate..."

"Oh, by the way, and the last time Dad, I didn't do my eyes myself, it was my sister who designed to harm me! But last time I didn't want to tell you, Dad, because my sister came back, already, our family It's already in such a mess, and the relationship between you and your sister is so stiff, Dad, I really don't want to make the relationship between you and your sister too stiff, so I didn't say..."

Xia Mingzhi was silent, listening to Xia Xin talking there alone. In the end, he looked at Xia Xin and spoke slowly, with a heavy but majestic voice, "Xin'er... Daddy today Always at St. Gregory."

Xia Mingzhi's words made Xia Xin, who was originally "talking eloquently", stunned. Xia, Xia Mingzhi, what was he talking about?She, why can't she understand?

"Dad...you..." Xia Xin reached out her hand in disbelief, and pointed at Xia Mingzhi tremblingly. If what Xia Mingzhi said was true, he was in St. Geli all day, so he, today Haven't seen and heard everything?
"Xin'er..." Xia Mingzhi looked at Xia Xin, tears almost fell down like this, "Xin'er, how did you become like this? Dad feels very scared when you are like this. Not raising a daughter, but raising a - devil."

"This devil has the wings of an angel, and she keeps framing another angel of mine, making me think that that angel has become a devil..."

"Actually, you are the real devil!"

"Xin'er, Xin'er, I knew you would become what you are now because of everything about the Xia family. Dad really shouldn't have taken you back to the Xia family. He should have let you stay in a simple family. Let you enjoy better fatherly love and motherly love, instead of feeling the gap in wealth early on, and let you be blinded by these wealth and fame..." Xia Mingzhi saw at a glance what it was , let Xia Xin's whole person's essence deteriorate.

He now feels very regretful, regretful for letting Xia Xin enter this family, regretful for not distinguishing between right and wrong, regretful for driving his daughter out and causing her to suffer so much...
"Xin'er, you... I really treat you as a daughter..." Xia Mingzhi closed his eyes, "From now on, don't be named Xia anymore... "

(End of this chapter)

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