Chapter 372 Resisting the Enemy (05)
When everyone saw it, sure enough, the boss of their own family had fallen.

They put down their weapons and raised their hands in surrender.

At this time, another car suddenly came.


Xia Heyi heard her mother's voice, and quickly got out of Ji Shaoyi's arms, "Mom...!"

He Suyun came out, and then another person came out of the car——Xia Mingzhi, but at this moment, Xia Mingzhi's face was extremely pale, his forehead was bandaged and bleeding...

"Yiyi..." Looking at the tragic situation in front of him, Xia Mingzhi felt his heart was about to break...

Xia Heyi's eyes flickered, she didn't know what to call Xia Mingzhi, but Xia Mingzhi's many injuries made her very concerned.

"Xia're not dead?!" Xia Xin's voice suddenly sounded, and Xia Heyi looked at Xia Xin. During the scuffle just now, Xia Xin stayed with Yao Fei'er the entire time.

He Suyun looked at Xia Xin, wishing to slap to death the daughter he had raised for so many years, "Xu Xin! Do you have any humanity?! We have raised you for so many years, but you actually want to kill this girl who you have called for so many years?" 'Dad''s man?! You. You even kidnapped Yiyi. How can you be so vicious?!"

Xia Heyi looked at Xia Xin in disbelief, "Xia Xin, you are not human at all! How could you do it!!" Xia Heyi was so excited that he couldn't speak, Xia Xin actually did something to his father? !
Do something to this person who has raised her and loved her for so many years, even more than her own daughter? !
Absolute pain flashed in Xia Mingzhi's eyes, perhaps Xu Xin should not have been taken back to Xia's home in the first place.

"Hmph, if he hadn't said that he was going to drive me out of Xia's house, I wouldn't have made such a choice! I wouldn't have come to this point, it's all because of this man!" Xia Xin pointed at Xia Mingzhi, She doesn't care what kind of nurturing grace she has had over the years, Xia Mingzhi took her for granted!When his father died to save Xia Mingzhi, Xia Mingzhi should naturally raise himself in order to repay his father's kindness!

"Xu Xin! You are simply hopeless!" Xia Heyi really almost fainted from Xia Xin's words!
Dad has done so many things for Xu Xin, but Xu Xin is so heartless!
"Yiyi, don't talk about it." Xia Mingzhi looked at Xia Heyi with a heartache. All these years, he was wrong!It was all his fault!

He brought Xu Xin home and made his own daughter suffer. All of this was his fault!
"Yiyi, it's all my father's fault"

Xia Heyi looked at Xia Mingzhi with the bloody gauze wrapped around his head in front of him, and felt pain in his heart. This is her father after all.
The father in her impression has always been dignified and serious. When did he have such a haggard face?
"I said, let's arrest those two people first and then go to the hospital. Don't worry, I've already called the police." During the conversation just now, Gu Zhiyang had already picked up Lu Yaoguang and put him in the car On the way, seeing that he was about to drive away, Han Feng immediately said, anyway, if you want to reminisce about the old days, there is plenty of time, so why rush at this time? !
However, at this moment, Xia Xin suddenly put Yao Fei'er down, rushed towards the person with a gun closest to her, snatched the gun away, and pointed the gun at Xia Heyi, "Xia Heyi, go to hell!" !"

 Computer blue screen to repair, just got home, sorry to be late today qaq
(End of this chapter)

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