Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 373 I Didn't Take Good Care of Our Daughter

Chapter 373 I Didn't Take Good Care of Our Daughter

At this critical moment, no one noticed Xia Xin's actions. With a gunshot, a figure slowly fell down——

"Dad!" Xia Heyi watched Xia Mingzhi slowly fall down in front of her, with blood flowing from his chest...

"Azhi!" He Suyun watched as Xia Mingzhi was shot, covering her mouth with both hands...

Ji Shaoyi rushed towards Xia Xin, kicked away the gun in Xia Xin's hand, and the bodyguards on the side quickly stepped forward to stop Xia Xin.

Xia Xin struggled desperately, but she still couldn't escape the fate of being subdued. She looked in Xia Heyi's direction angrily, damn it!Damn it!Damn it!Just a little short!Xia Heyi was just a little short of dying!That bitch is dead!

"Dad! Dad! Wake up, wake up quickly, don't scare me..." Xia Heyi hugged Xia Mingzhi, tears kept falling, why, why did it become like this?

"Yi, Yiyi..." Xia Mingzhi stretched out his hands tremblingly. He wanted to touch Xia Heyi's cheeks, but found that his hands were covered with his own blood. He wanted to put them down again. But Xia Heyi grabbed Xia Mingzhi's blood-stained hand.

"Azhi! Azhi! You have to hold on! You have to hold on! Don't scare me!" He Suyun looked at Xia Mingzhi, her whole heart was raised in her throat, again and again , Ah Zhi fell in front of her eyes again!Yesterday, Ah Zhi asked me to go home and said that I had something to tell myself. Unexpectedly, when I passed by, what I saw was Ah Zhi lying in a pool of blood, unconscious. At that time, she was so frightened that she almost fainted In the past, and now, it is like this again, this time Ah Zhi was shot in the chest!He Suyun hurriedly covered Xia Mingzhi's bleeding gunshot wound with both hands, "Wuuuh... Ah Zhi, you have to hold on! You still have us! You can't just leave us like this, do you know that?!"

Xia Mingzhi held back, his mouth kept spitting out blood, he felt that he would not be able to survive this time, the darkness gradually invaded him, but, it was not enough!Not yet, he still has something to say to Yiyi, he still has something to say to Suyun!He hasn't won his daughter's forgiveness yet!

"Yiyi...before, it was my father, cough cough... cough cough..." Xia Mingzhi coughed up blood in the middle of speaking, this appearance scared Xia Heyi and He Suyun .

"Father, please stop talking, okay? Let's go to the hospital right away!"

"Yes, yes, Ah Zhi, let's go to the hospital right away! Don't talk! Don't talk! Don't scare me..." He Suyun's hands kept trembling, she didn't want it, she didn't want to lose Xia Mingzhi!She hasn't complained that he has treated her daughter badly for so many years, she hasn't complained why he hasn't taken her and her daughter home after so long, she hasn't grown old with him...

"Xia Mingzhi, listen to me, you have to live well, otherwise, I won't live anymore!" He Suyun suddenly sullen face, with tears on his face, "threatening" Xia Mingzhi.

Xia Mingzhi grabbed He Suyun's hand and held it tightly, "Suyun...in this life, I am the one who is sorry for you. I did not take good care of our daughter..."

(End of this chapter)

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