Chapter 374 The Black Van

"Wuwu... Now that you know, why are you still saying these things? Hurry up and shut up and let's go to the hospital together, and come and make up for us when you are well!" He Suyun's whole heart was filled with Xia Mingzhi's words. It's going to be broken, Ah Zhi can't do anything!If something happened to him, what would she and Yiyi do?

Xia Mingzhi shook his head at He Suyun, and then he coughed again...

I can't... I'm running out of time...

Xia Mingzhi looked at Xia Heyi, "Yiyi, it's all about my father's fault... my father was wrong... cough cough cough cough cough cough... can you, can you Forgive Dad?"

Xia Heyi sobbed and nodded violently, she had been crying so hard that she couldn't speak a word, so now, how can there be any unforgiveness?He is her father!It was her father who had longed for him to give her father's love for so many years, and now he was injured in order to protect her... How could she, how could she still remember the dissatisfaction she had before?
Those dissatisfaction, those complaints, all those sadness... all disappeared at the moment when I saw my father fell down because of his injury...
Xia Mingzhi smiled gratifiedly. He looked at Ji Shaoyi in front of him, tremblingly, stretched out his hand towards Ji Shaoyi, and Ji Shaoyi immediately held this hand with both hands. One less hand pulled Xia Heyi's hand, "Less, less... one..., Yiyi, Yiyi, just, just, please... "

After Xia Mingzhi finished speaking, he fell into a coma——




Three people, three voices sounded at the same time, Xia Mingzhi had passed out, Ji Shaoyi immediately carried Xia Mingzhi on his body, Yunyi drove the car to Ji Shaoyi's side, except for Han Feng and his brothers Stay and watch the rest of the gang members rush to the hospital except for Xia Xin and Yao Feier. Han Feng chooses to stay because he is going to confront the coming police, but now , His heart has already followed Ji Shaoyi and the others to the hospital. He walked up to Xia Xin, raised the gun in his hand, and pressed the gun to Xia Xin's forehead, "You say you are a woman, why don't you?" Will it be so vicious? Kidnapping my sister is fine, but you actually repay your kindness! My sister’s father has raised you for so many years! You are a wolf, a dog and a pig!” This is the first time Han Feng scolded a girl so hard , But there is no way, what Xia Xin did was really not done by humans!
"Wuwu, please forgive me, please forgive me, I didn't mean it! Really! I didn't mean it!" Xia Xin felt the muzzle of the gun pressed against her temple, as well as Han Feng's anger and the pressure he was about to press. The sound of the trigger, trembling with fear!

And Yao Fei'er, who had been trembling with her hands raised aside, was looking for the right time, and when Han Feng and Xia Xin were entangled, she stood up and rushed out the door——

But at this time, a black van rushed in suddenly, blocking Yao Feier who was trying to escape, the door of the car opened, and Yao Feier was brought into the car at once, and then the car turned towards Han Feng Coming here, Han Feng had to retreat again and again...
(End of this chapter)

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