Chapter 395

"It's true, Chen Jie, he..." Gu Zhiyang couldn't finish the rest of the sentence, he shook his head, Lu Yaoguang was in great pain, how could it be, how could it be like this...

Xia Heyi couldn't bear the news, her legs gave way, and she fell down, and everyone quickly supported Xia Heyi.

"It's all my fault. If I had helped him in the beginning! If I had helped him, Chen Yi might not have died now..." Xia Heyi stood in a position where she hated herself very much. There is no way to prevent He Chaowen from attacking Chen Jie. As long as she protects her properly, Chen Jie will definitely not end up in the current situation!
"If you really want to blame it, you have to blame me," Lu Yaoguang said with red eyes, "it was my fault. I should have supported you at the beginning, instead of persuading you to make a move before you are sure..." Why, I didn't support you at the beginning, and I was in junior high school. Where did the perseverance go?
"Don't be sad..." Gu Zhiyang helped Lu Yaoguang up, seeing Yaoguang so uncomfortable, he felt very sad too... Should he listen to that stinky old man?

"I don't blame you Yaoguang, really, I don't blame you..." Xia Heyi comforted Lu Yaoguang.

"Where's the police? We called the police yesterday, why didn't the police come? Now people are killed!" Lu Yaoguang suddenly thought that he asked Xia Heyi to call the police yesterday, but until now, the police haven't shown up once!
"I think Wang Yang should be the one who settled it..." Yunyi said.

"Wang Yang? Those three students from other schools?!" Xia Heyi looked at Yunyi, not because she was just thinking.But in this city, the powerful and powerful are almost all in St. Geli now, aren't they?What are the identities of those three students from other schools, that even the police can put them on the same level?
"They are students from other places." Yunyi said lightly, "Study in Yinghuang Academy."

"Sakura Academy?!" Xia Heyi repeated the name of this school, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his head, "Could it be that one, the biggest competitor of St. Geli all along, Yinghuang Academy?!"

Yunyi nodded.

Lu Yaoguang frowned. "Sakura Academy?! What kind of school is this? Why have I never heard of it..."

"When you live here, you naturally hear more about St. Geli. As St. Geli's biggest competitor, how can this city spread the news about Yinghuang?! So you I don't know, it's reasonable." Gu Zhiyang explained, but his eyes were looking at Yunyi, Wang Yang?This name... he is somewhat familiar...

Lu Yaoguang was silent. It seems that the so-called Yinghuang Academy should be the same as Shenggeli.Gathered those who are powerful...

"What about the principal?! Now St. Geli's student is dead! He was beaten to death! Does the principal not care?!" Lu Yaoguang grabbed Gu Zhiyang's hand, "You have a way to contact this so-called The principal?!" St. Geli has had so many problems, and the principal has remained silent until now, to be such an irresponsible principal? !Does he have the slightest sense of being a headmaster?

"Yes..." Gu Zhiyang nodded, Lu Yaoguang and Xia Heyi asked immediately, and now they are going to see the principal himself!
The three of Gu Zhiyang exchanged glances, and soon, Lu Yaoguang and Xia Heyi met, the so-called principal of St. Geli.

The three of Gu Zhiyang were stopped outside the door, and only Lu Yaoguang and Xia Heyi were allowed to enter.

(End of this chapter)

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