Chapter 396 Leave it to us

Lu Yaoguang and Xia Heyi entered the room, only to see a white-haired old man standing with his hands behind his back, looking at Lu Yaoguang and Xia Heyi who came in with a smile.

"Hello principal." Lu Yaoguang greeted the principal first. This amiable principal, like a grandfather next door, looks very kind.But now, Lu Yaoguang really doesn't have a good opinion of this principal. Regarding his actions, he ignores St. Geli's "polarized development", so that Lu Yaoguang sincerely feels for this principal...

Xia Heyi also said hello to the principal, but at the same time, she really didn't have any good feelings for the principal.

"Principal, we'll go straight to the point, and we won't go around in circles with you anymore. Now that someone is killed in St. Geli's College, look, how do you solve this matter?!" I plan to have a long talk with the principal, but I just want to know what the principal's attitude towards this matter is!
The principal smiled, "What do you think is the root cause of this incident?!"

"Of course, St. Geli's 'polarization'!" Xia Heyi bluntly said, "Principal, don't tell us that St. Geli is now divided into two groups: 'noble district' and 'slums'. do not know either?!"

The principal nodded and asked Xia Heyi and Lu Yaoguang to sit down and talk. Lu Yaoguang glanced at Xia Heyi, but neither of them chose to sit down.

The principal secretly approved of the behavior of the two of them, but remained calm on the surface, "'polarization', I know."

"You know?!" Xia Heyi exclaimed, knowing but not caring? !Lu Yaoguang tugged at the corner of Xia Heyi's clothes, and said to the principal, "Principal, you know, but you still acquiesce in this kind of behavior. Are you being too dereliction of duty?!"

Xia Heyi swallowed her saliva and looked at Lu Yaoguang. Although she was also displeased with the principal's behavior, she was still a little apprehensive when she said such words to the principal. Unexpectedly, Yaoguang actually , when speaking to the principal...

"It is indeed my negligence." The principal put away his smile and fell into deep thought, "When I founded St. Geli, I only wanted to make St. Geli a place where children can study hard. As for the development to this point , I still have to blame myself..."

"I had a serious illness that year, and I asked my cousin to manage St. Geli. He is a person who pays great attention to rank and status, and is also a very ignorant and corrupt person. He thinks that people are divided into 'high and low'. My St. Geli has become what it is now," the principal said, shaking his head with a sigh, "When I recover, St. Geli will have become what it is now, and I have thought about making everyone Put them together again, but in fact..." The headmaster couldn't go on anymore, he really shouldn't have done it back then, and he couldn't ask his cousin to help...

After listening to the headmaster's story about the past, Lu Yaoguang and Xia Heyi can understand it, but... "Principal, the 'polarization' of Sheng Geli is so serious now that it has caused people's lives. , do you still want to keep silent?!"

There must be an explanation for Chen Jie's death.

"If the principal has no choice, then leave it to us." Lu Yaoguang looked at the principal with determination in his eyes, and he couldn't let Sheng Geli go on like this_
(End of this chapter)

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