Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 410 Gu Zhiyang's Plan

Chapter 410 Gu Zhiyang's Plan (03)

The people who were walking in front heard He Chaowen's voice and turned their heads to take a look. He Chaowen only felt that his heart fell from heaven to hell!
That is, the "ghetto" people!
Why? !Finally, a person appeared, but why did he happen to be someone from the "slums"? !

do not care!
"Student, save me quickly! Save me quickly!" He Chaowen finally caught a life-saving straw, and he will not give up easily!Even if, now, he wants him to be like the scumbag of St. Geli's "slum" that he has always looked down upon!
Hearing He Chaowen's voice, the person in front stopped slowly, and Xu Chaowen's pupils dilated!There is hope in my heart!Great, he stopped!
But that person turned his head to look at Xu Chaowen, and when Xu Chaowen thought he was going to stop, he suddenly ran away——

etc!don't go!where are you going? !
don't go!save me!
The footsteps behind him are getting closer and closer to him——

"You chose to stand by and stand by when those students from other schools beat up the students from our school. After that, when students from other schools beat up other students from our school, you, you students from the 'noble district', would still choose to stand by and watch?!" Lu Yaoguang's voice echoed in his mind again...
Damn woman!
It was exactly as she expected!
But now, the situation is completely opposite!Those foreign students are here!He also beat up the students of our school, this person, He Chao asked himself!
Students in the "noble district" choose to stand by and watch? !No, the "ghetto" man who chose to stand by himself!

Could it be that this is the current newspaper? !This must be punishment!Punish yourself for standing by and watching Chen Jie when Chen Jie was beaten by students from other schools? !Even, I don’t think I need to get my hands dirty...
No, the punishment should be that I have been making things difficult for Chen Jie...

"Crackling", hitting his skin like dense raindrops, He Chaowen only felt that he was about to be smashed by Chi Yun!

"Pfft——" Chi Yun punched He Chaowen in the stomach, and He Chaowen arched his body and face like a small shrimp.On the neck, the veins popped up!
pain!It hurts to suffocate!

This is what Chen Jie received...? !

Just when He Chaowen felt that he was about to be beaten unconscious by this fist, he suddenly heard other voices——

"Hey! Let him go!"

"Let go! Otherwise we will be impolite!"

"There are so many of us, no matter how powerful you are alone, you can't handle it! Let him go!"

In a daze, He Chaowen only saw a large group of people standing in front of him, each of them holding some "weapons", brooms, chairs, mops...
boys, girls... both...

All, are, from, "ghetto"? !
"Didn't you hear?! Still not letting go of him?! We've already called security!"

"Let go of that person!"

Seeing so many people suddenly appearing in front of him, Chi Yun realized that if he stayed any longer, he might really be unable to stop him. He walked away from He Chaowen, glanced at the people in the "slums", and finally Kicked He Chaowen, turned around, and ran away...

(End of this chapter)

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