Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 411 Gu Zhiyang's Plan

Chapter 411 Gu Zhiyang's Plan (04)

"Hey, I said, he seems to be dying? Shall we go up and have a look?!"

"What are you looking at?! I said, it's better for him to die like this!"

"What are we going up there for?! He killed Chen Jie, it's pretty good that we didn't let him be beaten to death like Chen Jie did! Why bother him so much?!"

"Yes, yes! Let's go, let's break up, that's it, let him die!"

He Chaowen listened to every word the students in the "slums" said. He was lying on the ground, unable to stand up, panting, but because he was beaten badly by Chi Yun just now, he was panting now They all felt very uncomfortable. After He Chaowen gasped for breath, he coughed for a while!
He coughed so badly that it seemed as if he was going to carve out his lungs.

Listening to the sound of the people in the "slums" gradually leaving, He Chaowen felt a feeling that even he could not describe.

Well... It's pretty good that they came here to drive Chi Yun away.

Especially the person who was beaten by Chi Yun was He Chaowen.If they were students from other "noble districts", maybe these people from the "slums" would come forward to help... But just after Chen Jie died, these people from the "slums" could save him, He Chaowen felt that it was already ······
"How are you? Do you need someone to take you to the hospital?" At this moment, someone helped He Chaowen up and made He Chaowen sit up.

By the way, he handed He Chaowen a water bottle, He Chaowen took it, took a sip, and immediately spit it out. The water he spit out was stained with blood.

"Hiss..." That Chi Yun, he was so powerful alone, when Chen Jie was beaten, there were three people...
"Thank you..." He Chaowen subconsciously wanted to say thank you, but he immediately realized that the people who gave him water now were people from the "slums"!
He Chaowen immediately shook off the person holding his shoulder, "Go away!"

The person who was thrown away was stunned for a moment, but his expression was very flat, "You look quite energetic, then go by yourself." After speaking, the person stood up.

He Chaowen only realized at this time that there are six boys by his side now.

"Wait!" When the person who gave him water was about to leave, He Chaowen suddenly said, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the person, "I remember you, you seem to be..."

"I'm Chen Jie's friend."

He Chao asked surprised.Chen Jie's, friend? !Indeed, I saw this person when I was about to attack Chen Jie...

and many more!

"You..." He Chaowen suddenly remembered, this person, isn't this the person Chen Jie called out when he beat Chen Jie for the last time? !
"Wang Chuan! Wait, don't go! Everyone, don't go!" At that time, his followers held Chen Jie's feet and were about to drag Chen Jie to a place where no one was around. , one of them is this person!This person turned around, and in his impression, he seemed to say to Chen Jie, "I'm sorry?!"

And the one I called just now is also this person...
"Why do you want to save me?! You are Chen Jie's friends, aren't you?" He Chao asked and glanced at the people standing around him, "I killed Chen Jie, watch me being beaten to death, like Chen Jie Wouldn't that be better?"

(End of this chapter)

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