Chapter 421 Why is it so lively (04)

When Ye Quan, Wang Yang, and Chi Yun saw this person approaching, they retreated in two directions to make way for this man who seemed to be very dignified.

"Hey Principal!"

At this time, people from Yinghuang Academy suddenly said to the man in black casual clothes.

Lu Yaoguang looked at the squinted-eyed person, it turned out that he was the principal of Yinghuang Academy...
Much younger than our principal.

"Principal, why are you here?" Ye Quan walked to the principal of Yinghuang Academy. The principal looked at the wound on the corner of Ye Quan's mouth and sighed, "If I don't come, are you going to fight today?"

Lu Yaoguang withdrew Gu Zhiyang's hand and walked out of Gu Zhiyang's arms, "The principal of Yinghuang Academy."

The principal heard someone calling him, and looked at the girl——

"What's the matter? This classmate, is there something wrong?"

"Please give a reasonable explanation to your school for the death of our student Chen Jie, and let the three people who beat Chen Jie to death get the punishment they deserve."

"My God, this person is really, seeing our principal, dare to talk to our principal so confidently?" the people of Yinghuang Academy whispered.

"They are—" Lu Yaoguang didn't care what these people said, and continued to finish what he wanted to say.

"Hey, that's enough! Don't think that we won't dare to speak when the principal comes! Pay attention to your words!"

"Chen Jinzhou!" Lu Yaoguang seemed not to hear, and was not threatened by these individuals at all.

"Hey, you woman! If you say one more word, I will treat you badly..." One of them wanted to threaten Lu Yaoguang, but received a message from Shengge. The menacing gazes of everyone!Her voice gradually diminished, and she was very timid.

Please, being watched by so many people, people will still be afraid, okay? !

Who is this woman!Why can she get the support of so many people in St. Geli with just one word? !

"Chi Yun!" Lu Yaoguang only wanted to name the person who killed Chen Yi, she didn't care about the rest!
"And, Wang Yang." After Lu Yaoguang said the names of these three people, "the above three people committed violence against a student of our school near our school, resulting in the death of the student. Please, the principal of Yinghuang College, be fair. deal with."

The principal of Yinghuang Academy looked at the girl who could still speak calmly in front of him, and she spoke with full force and perseverance, a flash of admiration flashed in his heart, but...
"There is no proof, why do you say that our Yinghuang students killed the students of your school?!"

"Yes, yes! If you have the ability, you should show evidence!"

"Just frame Master Chi Yun, Master Jinzhou and Master Wang Yang casually like this, do you know that you will go to jail if you frame someone else!"

Facing Lu Yaoguang's accusation, most people in Yinghuang Academy became dissatisfied again. Chi Yun, Chen Jinzhou, Wang Yang and Ye Quan were the four young masters of Yinghuang Academy!This woman "convicted" the third young master of their Yinghuang Academy with a casual remark!After all, did they still pay attention to the people from Yinghuang Academy? !
"Do you want evidence?" At this moment, Gu Zhiyang, who was standing next to Lu Yaoguang, suddenly said, "I'm sorry, I just happen to have it here." Gu Zhiyang spread his hand, and a U The disk is in his hands!

(End of this chapter)

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