Chapter 422 Why is it so lively (05)

Everyone looked at Gu Zhiyang's hand, where a black USB flash drive appeared brightly.

"This is the evidence that the three people from Yinghuang Academy beat Chen Jie. Unfortunately, when they beat, there was a monitor there." Yunyi said lightly, "All the process is here."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in Yinghuang Academy showed uneasiness, my God, how could it be possible!St. Geli's people actually have "evidence" in their hands!
This is bad!

Master Chen Jinzhou, Master Chi Yun and Master Wang Yang, what are they going to do? !
Seeing that the core person in front of him didn't move, Gu Zhiyang pretended to be stupid, "Why, don't you believe me? Then I'll give you the USB flash drive—" Gu Zhiyang said, throwing the USB flash drive at Wang Yang, "You can take Go over and see if the pictures in the USB flash drive are real or not, it doesn't matter, we still have a backup." After Gu Zhiyang finished speaking, he raised the corner of his mouth, with a proud look of "you can check it, anyway, I have a lot of it here", this It made the people of Yinghuang Academy hate it.

As soon as Gu Zhiyang's words came out, the people of Yinghuang Academy felt even more uneasy.

Oops, look at how confident this man is!It seemed that they had indeed grasped the scene of young master Chi and his three beating St. Geli's students at that time!Now, what should I do? !

Everyone in Yinghuang Academy didn't know what to do about it, but Wang Yang threw the black USB flash drive at his feet and crushed it hard—"Jinzhou is lying in the hospital now. Yunyi, don't think I don't know, Jinzhou's injury was caused by you guys!" Wang Yang will not be shaken by what Lu Yaoguang said to the principal just now, his eyes are fixed on Yunyi, wishing to leave Yunyi pulled off a layer of skin!

Everyone in St. Geli was very dismissive of Wang Yang's actions:
"Hey! You are enough! Why, the mistakes we made were changed after we got the evidence, right?!"

"What are you guys doing like this! It's impossible for Gu Shao and the others to beat up people in your school!"

"That's right! Young Master Yun and the others usually look a little fierce, but they are very nice!"

Yunyi:... Do I look fierce? ? ! Excuse me? ?
Gu Zhiyang: I'm sorry for those companions who trusted us, we did—beat someone up!

"That's right! Even if the Chen Jinzhou you are talking about is really called by Young Master Gu and the others! He is lying in the hospital now, but Chen Jie from our school is dead now!"

When hearing Chen Jie's death, some of St. Geli's students lowered their heads alone and clenched their fists in pain.

A low-pitched atmosphere enveloped both St. Geli College and Yinghuang College.

Lu Yaoguang's eyes were fixed on the principal of Yinghuang Academy from the beginning to the end, "Principal, please deal with it reasonably and give Chen Jie an explanation!"

Wang Yang, Chi Yun, Ye Quan and other people from Yinghuang Academy all looked at their principal, and the people from St. Geli Academy also looked at the headmaster of Yinghuang Academy.

The principal of Yinghuang Academy was being stared at by people from two academies at this moment——

One group is the students of Yinghuang Academy, they desperately hope that the principal can keep the three young masters of their Yinghuang Academy!

The other faction came from St. Geli College. They looked at the headmaster's mouth and must hear the headmaster make a reasonable verdict on Chen Jie's death!
(End of this chapter)

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