Chapter 423 Why is it so lively (06)

"Hehe, the matter has become so big, I, the principal of Yinghuang Academy, has come out. As the principal of St. Geli Academy, how long are you going to stay in the dark?!" The principal of Yinghuang Academy He suddenly opened his mouth, saying that it was true that neither of the students of the two factions had heard the satisfactory answer they thought in their hearts.

But what the headmaster of Yinghuang Academy said was like a bomb, and it was thrown into the hearts of every student in St. Geli Academy.

The principal of Yinghuang Academy, what did he mean by this? !

"Our principal? Is he here?"

"The principal is here??"

"My God! If the headmaster is here, why isn't he coming out?!"

Everyone in St. Geli College exploded, while the people from Yinghuang College looked at the faces of everyone in St. Geli College with such excitement.Excited and surprised.

"What's wrong with St. Geli's people? Are they all crazy?!"

"It's just meeting the principal, what's the matter?! Everyone is so excited?"

"It's too exaggerated..."

Everyone in Yinghuang Academy couldn't stand seeing the expressions on the faces of St. Geli's students. In their opinion, isn't it just to meet the principal?St. Geli's students also made it too exaggerated!What they don't know is that the principal of St. Geli's College never shows up easily. In St. Geli's College, many people don't even have the chance to see This principal once!If I can meet this legendary principal this time, it will be an incomparable honor in the hearts of St. Geli students!And, the appearance of the principal will make them stand firmer and straighten their backs to deal with these outsiders!

"Hehe, why is it so lively here?" Just as everyone was expecting, the principal of St. Geli College slowly stepped into everyone's field of vision. Yun Yi and Ji Shao parted ways, making the principal of St. Walking slowly, many people competed for their eyes and looked at the principal of their St. Geli College curiously. Unfortunately, a little bit of disappointment flashed in some people's hearts.Headmaster, it looks like—

Arched, leaning on a staff, slowly, step by step forward, his hair is completely white, and the years have ruthlessly carved on his face the traces that should belong to the age of the principal.

This is clearly an old man!
"Hahaha, I thought what kind of principal it was! Unexpectedly, it was an old man!"

"I laughed so hard! Seeing the students of St. Geli just now, I thought what a powerful character would appear! I didn't expect it to be an old man! Don't laugh so hard!"

The two boys from Yinghuang College immediately laughed out loud when they saw the principal of St. Geli's College. Their laughter aroused the collective hatred of St. Geli's College!
Even if the principal is old!Even if the principal is such an old-looking person, he is still their principal!

They don't allow anyone to slander the principal!
"Both of you have been expelled by Yinghuang!" At this moment, the principal of Yinghuang Academy looked at the two laughing and mocking Principal Sheng Geli, and opened his squinted eyes with a low voice. It was terrible, and the two people who were laughing alone were stunned in place...
(End of this chapter)

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