Chapter 424
"Principal, what are you talking about?"

"Yeah, principal, why... did you expel the two of us?" The two students of Yinghuang Academy looked at their principal in disbelief, very puzzled. They seemed to have done nothing wrong, right?

"There is no reason, just because you insulted the principal of St. Geli College. Okay, just take off the school uniform of Yinghuang Academy and let's go." The person stripped off his school uniform and dragged it away.

The other people present, especially the people from Yinghuang Academy, all became frightened. It seems that our principal has a close relationship with the principal of St. Geli Academy, so we should be careful about what we say.

"Hey, old man Aoki, why can't you open your eyes after so many years?" The principal of St. Geli College walked slowly to the principal of Yinghuang College and said jokingly.

The headmaster of Yinghuang Academy stretched his face towards that of the headmaster of St. Geli Academy, "It's been a long time since you've seen you, fat man, you're short again."

Principal St. Geli: "Don't think that you can open my eyes if you get close to me, they are still so small."

The principal of Yinghuang Academy: "I approached you only because I was afraid that you would be too old to hear what I said, fat man."

Everyone present: "..."

The principal of Yinghuang Academy is called Mr. Aoki, which is well-known in Yinghuang Academy, but the people of St. Geli Academy feel very puzzled when the principal of Yinghuang Academy calls their own principal. It is strange that their own principal is short. Compared with this Principal Aoki, but he is at that age after all, there is no way he is short.But this fat man...?Are you fat? !Actually, it's okay...

But the thing that surprised the students on both sides is: Yinghuang College and St. Geli College have always been rivals, but looking at the way these two principals get along with each other, they feel inexplicably that, in fact, they are not as legendary as they are. Tension? !
After a brief conversation between the two principals.

"Okay, it's time to get down to business." Principal St. Geli looked at the old man Aoki, and the old man Aoki looked at the fat man, and the two said in unison, "How to solve this matter? I will not hand over my students."

Such a tacit understanding surprised the students present, but when they heard the last sentence from their principal, they felt very heartwarming.

No matter how good the relationship is, whether it is good or bad, the principal will protect their shortcomings, and they will not let their students have accidents.

"But the principal, Chen Jie..." Lu Yaoguang just wanted to go forward to remind his principal about Chen Jie, but was stopped by Gu Zhiyang, who shook his head at her and let Lu Yao Just don't say anything more, Lu Yaoguang had no choice but to keep silent and see how the two principals will solve it.

"Since we are unwilling to give in to each other, why not do this." St. Geli's principal arched his hands and first suggested, "Anyway, our two colleges have been competing in the industry. This time, the students of the two schools They are all here, how about a game?"

Mr. Aoki, the principal of Yinghuang Academy, thought for a moment, "Will the loser hand over his students?"

"Okay, yes. No problem." The "Fatty" principal of St. Geli College gave three affirmative answers in a row, "It's all students participating, how about a knowledge competition?"

 In a while, if the night owls subscribe and there is still a problem of chapter duplication, I suggest you get up early tomorrow morning to have a look at qaq
  AND still recommends that you don't go to bed too late, the body is the most important thing.Good night!
(End of this chapter)

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