Chapter 425 Fighting Together
"Knowledge contest?!" The people of Yinghuang Academy were overjoyed when they heard what the principal of St. Geli said.

They knew about the "polarization" in St. Geli's College - slums and aristocratic districts.

To put it simply, the reason why St. Geli's College can be compared with Yinghuang College is that most of them come from the strength of the "slum" students. The principal of St. Geli's College, could it be that his brain was caught by the toilet seat and dared to fight with them? Academy proposes quiz? !Doesn't the principal of St. Geli College know that their Yinghuang College eliminates students every year with a super high elimination rate?
There is only one standard in Yinghuang Academy - only knowledge!
Yes, so everyone who studies at Yinghuang Academy is talented!Yinghuang Academy doesn't care about background, but only about strength!

Therefore, when Principal St. Geli made such a request, each of them showed joy on their faces, as if they already knew that they would win.

Mr. Aoki's eyes narrowed even smaller...

It doesn't make sense, this fat man shouldn't be ignorant of his school's situation. When he knows the strength of his opponent, he still proposes such a competition event in which his opponent has an advantage. Is it possible that the fat man is really old Is your intelligence gone?Doesn't this mean that they want Yinghuang Academy to win?

Or is this old man a "drunkard who doesn't care about drinking"? !

"How about it, old man Aoki, do you want to compare?"

"Compare, who is afraid of who!" Aoki still can't figure out what this "fat man" from St. Why don't you agree? !

"Yohoo~ yay!" The people from Yinghuang Academy began to cheer, of course they were happy for such a game that was obviously beneficial to them.

"Then how about a match in a month?" Aoki set the time for the match, as for the location—

"Choose the location at your Yinghuang Academy. This time we are here at St. Geli. Next time, we will visit your Yinghuang. What, do you have a place?" Principal St. Geli looked at the provocative eyes Old man Aoki.

"Okay, no problem." The old man Qingmu said, "Since this is the case, we Yinghuang Academy people will go back first, and when the time comes to lose, fat man, don't renege!"

"Whoever loses wins, it's not certain!" Principal St. Geli "Fatty" said vowedly.

"You guys, just obediently wait for someone to hand over." Chi Yun followed behind the principal, and the people from Yinghuang Academy gradually left. In the knowledge contest, they Yinghuang will definitely win!
Gu Zhiyang shrugged and raised his eyebrows, "Try it—"

Ye Quan looked at Lu Yaoguang with a smile, pointed at Lu Yaoguang, and said provocatively at Gu Zhiyang, "I lost, I want her."

Gu Zhiyang hugged Lu Yaoguang, and Ye Quan left with a smile.

"Yunyi, don't let me down too much." Wang Yang declared war on Yunyi. In this knowledge competition, he will definitely win Yunyi!Prove that Lulu picked the wrong person!

"You will lose—terribly." Yun Yi said very lightly, but without losing any momentum, Wang Yang snorted, followed behind Ye Quan, and left——

"Children, come in with me." At this moment, the principal of St. Geli College said to the students behind him. This time, the children of St. Geli, it's time for you to fight side by side against foreign enemies up!

(End of this chapter)

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