Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 439 Returning Triumphantly

Chapter 439 Returning Triumphantly (04)

But who would have thought that after she arrived at the Han family, Mr. Han and Mrs. Han would not be at home?
At this time, she received a call from Han Feng again, saying that she went too late, and now someone has sent someone to take Mr. Han and Mrs. Han to the hospital for treatment. Han Feng claimed that he had already boarded another plane. The plane said that Mr. Han kept muttering, "It seems that I am going to let go this time, I really want to see Yiyi girl..."

Xia Heyi didn't know what happened to Mr. Han and Mu Han at the time. They were fine yesterday, so why did something happen suddenly?

So she didn't think much about it, and immediately boarded another plane that Han Feng said. As a result, this plane took her and flew for a long time, and the plane didn't stop until it was dark—she stepped out of the plane When I was there, I saw Ji Shaoyi and Han Feng.

Under her persecution, Ji Shaoyi naturally told Xia Heyi about everything that happened in St. Geli that day, and told Xia Heyi that Mr. Han and Mother Han were fine, and that these were all caused by Han Feng. idea.

At that time, Ji Shaoyi thought in his heart that Yiyi would find out what he did sooner or later anyway, so he might as well say everything at this time, and then shift part of the responsibility to Han Feng and let Yiyi settle the score with her brother.

But what he didn't expect was that Yiyi actually took all the anger on himself, blaming him for letting Yiyi not be by Lu Yaoguang's side when Lu Yaoguang was confronting others alone.

Because of this incident, for a whole week, no matter how Ji Shaoyi tried his best, Xia Heyi ignored Ji Shaoyi from the beginning to the end, and refused to say a word to Ji Shaoyi.

Han Feng doggedly walked up to Xia Heyi, took out the fruit he had already prepared, and handed it to Xia Heyi, "Sister, sister, this is the fruit my mother specially prepared for us when she heard that we are going to participate in the competition today." , she asked me to bring it to you, you can accept it quickly."

"Hmph!" Xia Heyi also looked at Han Feng very angrily. Han Feng actually joked about the bodies of Grandpa Han and Mother Han in order to cooperate with Ji Shaoyi. This is also a very serious matter!This made Xia Heyi simply unacceptable, but she also knew that Ji Shaoyi asked Han Feng to do everything, so Xia Heyi didn't blame Han Feng too much, but told the matter to the It's just Father Han...
Taking the fruit from Han Feng, Xia Heyi opened it and gave some to Lu Yaoguang, "Yaoguang, you can eat it when you are thirsty, or you can eat it when you are free." He completely ignored Han Feng and Ji Shaoyi.

Lu Yaoguang took the fruit, but he put all his attention on the rules that Principal Aoki said.

"3, 2, 1." Suddenly, Mr. Aoki didn't know what he was talking about, and suddenly counted down, until the "1" was finished, Mr. Aoki snapped his fingers, and immediately a group of people came up around him, and the Sakura The few students who shouted "no problem" in the Royal Academy, take them down.

"Wait! What are you doing! Let me go!"

"Hey, hey, what's going on?!"

"What are you doing, let me go! I still have to participate in the competition, why are you holding me?"

"Where are you going to take me? Let go!"

Mr. Aoki ordered these students to be dragged away, "The rules I announced just now are also part of the knowledge contest..."

(End of this chapter)

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