Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 440 Returning Triumphantly

Chapter 440 Returning Triumphantly (05)

"Yes, part of the inspection." Mr. Aoki said, with an inscrutable smile, "Because it was the student standing in front of St. Geli who first discovered the problem with the rules, so the first round of competition , you can pass the level directly and enter the next round." The principal's hand pointed to Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng looked surprised, "No, I... this is..." Xu Sheng wanted to say that he only had the courage to say it after listening to what Gu Shao said, and the credit is not his fault. .

But Gu Zhiyang did pull Xu Sheng's arm, "Be safe and don't be impatient." Xu Sheng immediately shut up and didn't say anything more.

Because of what Principal Aoki said, all St. Gregory's students were excited and happy, which is great!

"Xu Sheng! Well done!"

"That's right! Look at how proud you are, Xu Sheng, you are really giving us face! Look, some of us have directly entered the second round!"

"Good job Xu Sheng!"

On the side of Yinghuang Academy, it is indeed because someone was directly announced by the principal to withdraw from the competition just now, and his face is full of embarrassment, "What is there to be proud of!"

"That's right, no one knows what the final game will be like!"

"Don't decide to win or lose so early!"

"The first round of the competition is based on the rules just now, that's right, but there will be an additional condition, everyone will be awarded a headset, use your ears to listen to the topic, after listening to the topic, don't make any noise, just quietly Stand where you are, and when you see the word 'choice' written on the big screen, you can start to act and walk to the square you think is right. Remember, don't take off your earphones. Wait until everyone has chosen At that time, the two sides of the earphones will emit colors, red proves that you failed in the choice, and you will be eliminated directly. Green means that you succeeded in the choice and went to the next round of the competition smoothly." Principal Aoki said, and the audience immediately fell silent. He didn't dare to miss any rules, for fear that he would be eliminated before the game started just like before.

"Now, please go to the playground together."

in the playground.

Gu Zhiyang held the earphones in his hands, and exchanged glances with Yunyi and the others, while Ji Shaoyi put the earphones in his hand, no matter what, put them on before talking——

After everyone put on their headphones, the word "Start" was marked on the big screen in the playground. Everyone held their breath, listening to the questions coming from their headphones, and hearing the sound of the questions coming from their headphones. Some people had an inexplicable "what the hell" expression on their faces, while some people raised the corners of their mouths confidently.

When the words on the screen scrolled to "choice", everyone started to act and walked to the square they thought was right.

Gu Zhiyang walked to Form A, and Lu Yaoguang and Han Feng also walked to Form A.

Yunyi and Xia Heyi walked to the C square, and Ji Shaoyi was in the D square.

Gu Zhiyang, Lu Yaoguang and the others looked at each other, and a thought came to everyone's mind: Strange!What's going on here?
Gu Zhiyang touched his chin, something was wrong.

Lu Yaoguang frowned slightly, looking at all kinds of people in the phalanx, he felt more and more that something was wrong, why did everyone choose differently?Could it be that some of them were eliminated in the first round? !
(End of this chapter)

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