Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 441 Returning Triumphantly

Chapter 441 Returning Triumphantly (06)

Let's not talk about how other people choose, but Yunyi, Heyi, Ji Shaoyi and others have different choices from themselves. What's the situation?
Lu Yaoguang didn't think they would be eliminated in the first round at all.

It’s not yet time to choose. Some people originally stood in square A and chose D square for some reason. Gradually, many people became vacillating like this. D phalanx, many people travel through various phalanxes, and they cannot determine their own answers.

Lu Yaoguang thought carefully about the questions she heard in her earphones and the answers to the four options, and once again decided that she had made the right choice, so she would not leave the phalanx.

The same goes for Yunyi and the three of them, none of them left their phalanx, and they all felt that their choice was correct, that's right.

The current situation can only show one thing, that is: the questions and answers that everyone hears from the earphones are different!

Some people have different questions, while others have the same questions, and the order of the answers is reversed. Lu Yaoguang and others can't help but admire the IQ of the first round of quizzes in their hearts...

No wonder the judges were so confident that in the first round, they decided to use this selection method to select candidates who would advance to the second round.

In addition to examining your understanding of knowledge, this also examines your emotional intelligence!

Do you follow your own choices, or go with the flow?

Is it to identify your own choice, or is it vacillating?
This first round of knowledge contest, more importantly, is to test whether the answerers can be firm in their answers!
"Time is up, the choice is over!"

With the end of the selection, the corresponding colors began to appear on everyone's earphones, and at this time, there were two people of different colors in each square. Lu Yaoguang was overjoyed, since the same Two different colors appear in the square, which proves that my guess just now is correct!Yunyi and the others will not be eliminated!Lu Yaoguang firmly believed, and then she looked at Gu Zhiyang and Han Feng who were in the same formation as her, great!The color on both of their headphones is green!

What about the color of your earphones...
I couldn't see what color came out of the earphones, but Gu Zhiyang gave Lu Yaoguang a thumbs up. Lu Yaoguang breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that he passed the test safely!

When the selection was over, a large group of men in black came to each square and brought out all the people wearing red on the earphones very quickly.In a short while, the number of people on the originally crowded square quickly halved.

Although there are still quite a lot of people in the current phalanx, compared with the number just now, there are too many fewer people...

Many people were taken away, they took off their earphones, and some people's faces flashed remorse, obviously, they guessed the purpose of this first round of knowledge contest, many people were regretting why they didn't make their first choice , leading to the first round of elimination now...

"Please take off your headphones" was displayed on the big screen, and everyone took off their headphones one after another. Principal Aoki stood in front of the big screen, holding a microphone, "First of all, congratulations to everyone who has successfully passed the first round of the knowledge contest." Advancement! Students who failed, please wait in the venue."

(End of this chapter)

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