Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 443 Returning Triumphantly

Chapter 443 Returning Triumphantly (08)

Now in each phalanx, the students left by St. Geli are still less than those of Yinghuang Academy.

I hope that everyone can make more efforts in the second round of written test, and we must try our best to stay!if not······

Lu Yaoguang, Gu Zhiyang, and Han Feng entered the second floor. They, the people in the A square, were divided into three examination rooms. Unfortunately, Lu Yaoguang was separated, and all three of them were in the examination room. in different examination rooms.

Lu Yaoguang entered his examination room, stretched out his hand, and touched his head.

When Gu Zhiyang left the examination room with himself just now, he touched his head and said to himself, "Come on!"

Lu Yaoguang grinned and smiled, please, who should cheer?How can a "student" say cheers to a "teacher"? !

However, I really can't be slack and careless, in case... Gu Zhiyang is promoted smoothly and I am eliminated, wouldn't it be too embarrassing? !

"Hey beauty, can I make a friend?" A boy from Yinghuang Academy came over to talk to Lu Yaoguang, behind this boy were a few people from Yinghuang Academy whispering beside him, with strange expressions on their faces weird.

Lu Yaoguang ignored him, stood up and looked ahead and waited for the teacher to arrive for a while.

"Hey, don't be like this, beauty, leave a phone number, let's make friends~" The person who came to strike up a conversation saw that Lu Yaoguang ignored him at all and didn't give up. He continued to pester Lu Yaoguang and asked Lu Yaoguang for money. telephone number.How great would it be if I could successfully catch up with such a beautiful girl? !If you take it out, what a face!
"Hey, this is our Young Master Gu's woman, don't come here to meddle!" Another boy from St. Geli College pulled away the person who approached Lu Yaoguang, Lu Yaoguang saw that it was someone from his school, Said to him, "Classmate, thank you. But now, we still stand up and wait for the teacher to come, so as not to be brushed off in a while--" Lu Yaoguang said this, in fact, he was reminding the student of Yinghuang Academy in disguise. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he was directly eliminated in this round because of him? !

"Cut~ So I have a master~" the person from Yinghuang Academy heard what the student of Shenggeli said, and returned to the position where he was standing just now with the people behind him. The student of Shenggeli saw Sakura The people from the Imperial Academy went back and returned to their positions. Now is not the time to make trouble!

After 3 minutes, three teachers walked in with a pile of test papers and distributed the test papers to each student.

"After 5 minutes, the box next to you will automatically open, and the pen will appear at that time. After getting the pen, you are limited to 15 minutes to complete this test paper, and get it to the instrument next to each of you. The instrument will Automatically grade your test papers, and those who pass the test will light up the instrument, and those who do not light up the instrument or fail to complete the paper within the specified time will be considered eliminated."

"For a while, please stay still in your seat and wait for instructions. Those who are eliminated, please leave first."

"In addition, don't think about making small moves. Our three teachers will watch carefully. There is a scanning machine here, and an electronic dog is running outside. Everything depends on your real materials. After 5 minutes, the exam will start !"

(End of this chapter)

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