Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 444 Returning Triumphantly

Chapter 444 Returning Triumphantly (09)

Lu Yaoguang looked through the test paper first. There were three test papers, all of which were multiple-choice questions, and the amount of questions was very large. It could be said that it was quite difficult to complete within 15 minutes!
Once the 5 minutes are up——

The pen case was opened, and everyone picked up the pens and began to write vigorously.There was no sound in the entire examination room, only the sound of each candidate answering on the test paper could be heard.

3 minutes passed...

5 minutes passed...

10 minutes passed...

Seeing that the time limit of 15 minutes is getting closer and closer, many people's foreheads are covered with dense sweat, oops!Time is running out!
Lu Yaoguang's palms were already sweating from writing, and finally—she put the test paper in her hand on the machine before the end of the prescribed test time, and after a while, the green light turned on.

Only then did Lu Yaoguang breathe a sigh of relief. At this moment, there were still 15 minutes before the 3-minute time limit.

Thankfully it's done!
In the remaining 3 minutes, people put the test papers on the instrument one after another. However, there were not so many green lights. Many people clenched their hands when they saw that the green light of the machine in front of them was not on. Gritting his teeth, but still unable to do anything, he walked out of the examination room.

More and more people left the examination room.

In the end, in the examination room where Lu Yaoguang was, there were only 30 people left!

Lu Yaoguang turned his head and calculated the proportion of the remaining people who were from the two schools, and he felt happy at that time, it was great!There are 16 people left in St. Geli College!More than half!

The students of St. Geli sitting in the back row saw Lu Yaoguang in the front row turned his head, smiled and made a "v" gesture with Lu Yaoguang. Lu Yaoguang stretched out his hand and made this gesture to them. All the St. Geli College people in this examination room must show this victory gesture.

That's great, it finally accounted for more than half of it. I don't know, what happened to the remaining two people in the examination room in the A square...
Just when Lu Yaoguang breathed a sigh of relief and was happy, the radio in the classroom suddenly sounded——

"The following announcement will be broadcast. In the second round of the knowledge contest, the following students stood out with the shortest time spent and the highest correct rate—they are: Gu Zhiyang and Yunyi from St. Quan, Wang Yang, and Chi Yun. The above five students will skip the third round of the knowledge contest and go directly to the fourth round of the knowledge contest!"

There were three people from Yinghuang Academy, and only two people from St. Geli Academy advanced to the fourth round ahead of schedule.From the point of view of quantity alone, St. Geli College is currently at a slight disadvantage.

However, to Lu Yaoguang's surprise, Gu Zhiyang? ? !He, he was actually among those five people!

It is not surprising that Yunyi can stand out. He has always been the TOP1 of St. Geli College, which is not surprising.

But... Gu Zhiyang? !
He, how did he do it! ?

Could it be that the tutoring I gave him really achieved results? !
If it really has an effect, then this effect is too terrifying!
Although Gu Zhiyang almost passed the test with full marks every night, it was a pity that he did not get full marks a few times, but this is normal in Lu Yaoguang's view. It's not normal to call it!But now...
(End of this chapter)

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