Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 449 Returning Triumphantly

Chapter 449 Returning Triumphantly (14)

"Yaoguang is right, don't give up until the last moment!" Ji Shaoyi also comforted the boy sitting beside him.

I don't know what the fourth round of the competition will be like in a while. In the current situation, apart from the small number of people in St. Geli College, the most important thing is everyone's previous atmosphere. Although under the encouragement of Lu Yaoguang and Ji Shaoyi Under the circumstances, the people who were in a downturn have improved a little, but after all, the state is still not right.This state will affect the performance of the next round!
One or two of Lu Yaoguang and Ji Shao glanced at each other, each other's eyes were full of worry, this situation is really bad...
"Everyone, please come with us to the final location of the knowledge contest!" Finally, after a short wait, Principal Aoki stood up again. He and the judges led the contestants who stood out from the third round of the knowledge contest. , came to the last competition location of today's knowledge contest!
That is, the auditorium of Yinghuang Academy!
Lu Yaoguang and others were brought to the stage of the auditorium. Below the auditorium were the students who had been eliminated from St. Geli College and Yinghuang College.

"St. Geli, come on!"

"St. Geli, come on!"

"Cheer up, Emperor Ying! Come on, Young Master Ye Quan!"

"Master Wang Yang, come on!"

"Cheer up, Emperor Sakura!"

Below the stage at the moment, it was very restless. The students of St. Geli College and Yinghuang College were cheering in their own schools. They sat on two sides, with the stage as the center, and St. Geli was sitting on the left hand side of the stage. Academy, sitting on the right is Yinghuang Academy.them

Han Feng glared at Chen Jinzhou in displeasure at the moment. Unfortunately, Chen Jinzhou didn't look at Han Feng at all. The more Han Feng thought about it, the more angry he became. If it wasn't for Chen Jinzhou just now, both he and his sister would have entered!

"Okay, Han Feng, don't be angry!" Xia Heyi calmed down Han Feng, but unfortunately Han Feng was still full of anger, Xia Heyi quickly played with Huang Shushu who was sitting next to Han Feng, so that Huang Shushu quickly persuaded Han Feng, Huang Shushu stretched out his hand, and pulled Han Feng's clothes tremblingly, "You, don't be angry..."

As soon as Han Feng heard the little idiot Huang Shushu speak, most of his anger disappeared immediately.

Seeing that Han Feng's anger had subsided, Xia Heyi quickly gave Huang Shushu a thumbs up. Huang Shushu immediately blushed and lowered his head, wishing he could bury his head in the ground.

During this week, Han Feng brought Huang Shushu to his side and introduced them to Xia Heyi and the others.Huang Shushu was very scared at the beginning. The first time she saw Lu Yaoguang and Xia Heyi, she apologized to them. Because of what happened to Yao Feier, she herself felt that she had done a lot of bad things. Caused a lot of unnecessary troubles, who knew that Yao Guang and He Yi quickly forgave themselves, and didn't care about themselves at all, treating themselves as friends...

When Huang Shushu gets along with them, he is very happy and feels as if he really has friends...

"Look, a host is on stage?!" At this moment, Xia Heyi pointed at the person who suddenly stood up on the stage, and exclaimed. Didn't expect that the final knowledge contest would be conducted like this? !
(End of this chapter)

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