Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 450 Returning Triumphantly

Chapter 450 Returning Triumphantly (15)

"Hi everyone! I'm Xiaomeng, the host of today's Knowledge Contest between Yinghuang Academy and St. Host and judge this game with a fair and strict attitude!"

"Okay, without further ado, everyone knows the results of today's knowledge contest. Then, I will tell you the rules of this last knowledge contest: First, please look at the big screen! "The host Xiaomeng said, pointing her finger at the big screen behind her, and everyone followed Xiaomeng's hand and turned their eyes to the big screen.

The big screen shows, first of all, the remaining number of people from Yinghuang Academy and St. Geli Academy after three rounds of competition.

Yinghuang Academy: 21 people.

St. Gregory's College: 10 people.

Seeing this proportion of the number of people, the people of Yinghuang Academy cheered, while the people of St. Geli Academy were slightly depressed.But what emerged next was the format of this competition.

"The next game will adopt a two-two competition system. After a while, the big screen will keep scrolling the names of the finalists from St. Geli College and Yinghuang College. I will count down three to two with the audience After that, students from both colleges who participated in the first round of the competition will be selected, the winning side will continue to participate in the competition, the losing side will be eliminated directly, and the remaining contestants of the losing side will choose a student from them to continue participating in the competition."

"Until the end, when one school has no more students to participate in, the other school will win." The host Xiaomeng read the competition rules on the big screen in vivid language, "Next, on the big screen, Roll up—”

"Everyone, please count down with me..."

Behind the stage, time went back to the time when Lu Yaoguang and the others met Gu Zhiyang and Yunyi just now.

"Yaoguang!" Gu Zhiyang stood up and walked to Lu Yaoguang's side, "I knew it, you can do it."

Lu Yaoguang and Ji Shaoyi brought the rest of St. Geli Academy's people closer to Gu Zhiyang, and on the opposite side of them, people from Yinghuang Academy also came to Ye Quan's side.

"Hehe~ From the perspective of the number of people, at present, we have a better chance of winning here~" Ye Quan compared the number of participants of the two sides. In comparison, there are more people who entered the final here... ·

Hearing what Ye Quan said, some of the rest of St. Geli's students had expressions of embarrassment on their faces. Now, they might not be able to win...
"If you really have the strength, why bother to fight with words? You will see the real kung fu in the arena later." However, Yun Yi stood up and faced Ye Quan of Yinghuang Academy with a gentleman's smile on his face, but what he said next made people The people at Yinghuang Academy were very upset.

PS: The confrontation with Yinghuang Academy is coming to an end. Next, we will enter the story of Yaoguang’s life experience. At that time, there will be new characters who will make you gnash your teeth. Thank you for your continuous support~
And the recent update is less than that in July because school has already started, and it is only updated at night.It is not recommended that you chase after books so late, I hope you can chase books when you wake up the next morning, after all, staying up late is not good for your health!Thank you Clovers!Good night!

(End of this chapter)

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