Chapter 462 Information
"Three, two, one." As the number of words on the big screen counted down, everyone focused on watching the press in front of Chi Yun and Ji Shaoyi on the stage, for fear of missing this wonderful moment.

However, a dramatic scene happened...



Two clicks of buttons, which were so fast that they could not cover your ears, resounded on this stage at the same time!

When the host Xiaomeng heard this voice and the big screen displayed two contestants, Chi Yun and Ji Shaoyi, who pressed the button at the same time, the whole person was stunned...
what happened?Are these two people pressing the button together at the same speed now? !

This is too amazing!


"Oh my god······"

Everyone off the stage, including Lu Yaoguang, Gu Zhiyang and others who are in the background at the moment, will still feel shocked when they see the scene in front of them.God!Ji Shaoyi and Chi Yun actually pressed the button in front of them at the same time!

"Because, the current situation is a bit special..." After being stiff for a minute or two, the host Xiaomeng immediately woke up. She responded immediately, picked up the microphone, and said to the commotion crowd under the stage, "Now, I ask everyone to wait a moment. In this case, I need to report to the organizer and the judges. Please wait a moment, and the final result will be announced to everyone immediately!"

On the stage, Chi Yun looked at Ji Shaoyi who was standing opposite him, with a half-smile on his face, but a little vigilance in his eyes, how could this be possible? !This Ji Shaoyi's answering speed is as fast as himself? !
But Ji Shaoyi is quite calm, Yun Yi, you guessed it right!
Things go back to when there are still four days before the start of the knowledge contest:
"Xiao Yi, come here. Here are some information I found just now. Come and have a look, it will be very helpful to us. By the way, let Zhiyang and Han Feng also come here." Yunyi held the laptop and looked at the What I found on my computer, I narrowed my eyes slightly, this Chi Yun, it seems, is not simple...
Ji Shaoyi first called Gu Zhiyang and Han Feng over together, and the three of them leaned together in front of Yunyi's computer screen to look at it. After Ji Shao looked at it for a while, he stood up, supported the table with one hand, and pointed at the laptop with the other. "Yunyi, you asked me to call everyone over because you wanted to show us that game at Yinghuang Academy?! What's so interesting about this?! I don't want to watch it!"

Ji Shaoyi now thinks back to his "nonsense" at that time, and feels that he is a little naive. Fortunately, Zhiyang and Yunyi sang together at that time, analyzed the situation in time, and "pull" himself back into the discussion team.

Gu Zhiyang: "I guess the old man may not go to Yinghuang Academy to watch our game."

Yunyi nodded in agreement, and Han Feng said in surprise, "No, what the principal said in front of the rostrum that day, I, a big boy, was a little moved by him, standing alone under the sun with old steps From the inspiring words you said, it can be seen that the principal is still very concerned about the knowledge competition! How could he not watch our competition?! Zhiyang, what you said is too substandard."

 I may not be satisfied with what I wrote recently. Before writing this book, the outline has been drawn up. I am a person who sticks to my principles. It may be my inappropriate arrangement to write about Guang's life experience.But I have already written here, and the part of the knowledge contest is coming to an end. Some readers said that I can’t keep up with it. I just want to say thank you for coming.Next, I will finish writing the part of this knowledge contest. If some readers find it hard to read but still look forward to Lu Yaoguang's life experience, then everyone should not subscribe to this article in the next few days, and wait until Lu Yaoguang's life experience is written. At that time, I will make the title more conspicuous. If you still miss it then, come back and read it.

  As for the chapter duplication problem, if readers who are reading the article now still see the chapter duplication problem, please leave a message in the comment area to explain which chapter it is, and I will go to the editor to deal with it. If your server system still shows duplicate chapters, leave you qq number, I will send you the content of the chapter and refund the money to you, sorry for the inconvenience caused to you!
  In addition, the update time, because I have already started school, so it is updated when it is close to the early morning. It is better for everyone to watch it when you wake up the next morning, and don’t stay up late, it is not good for your health.

  Finally, I would like to say something to the readers who have been reading this article, thank you!Thank you for your continued support!

(End of this chapter)

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