Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 463 Yunyi's Conjecture

Chapter 463 Yunyi's Conjecture

Gu Zhiyang rolled his eyes at Han Feng, "I am more familiar with the character of that old man than any of you. Don't look at him on the rostrum, oh, an old man, under the scorching sun, sweating profusely, encouraging students. Nonsense... I assure you, that old man will definitely not go when we compete!"

"I agree with Zhiyang's statement on this point, it is precisely because the principal will not go at that time, so I think that the competition rules for the knowledge contest may be unilaterally formulated by the Yinghuang Academy. "Yunyi expressed his guess, and both he and Gu Zhiyang had feelings and opinions about the principal's character.

Han Feng said "Ah!", "In that case, wouldn't we be at a disadvantage if they do anything wrong with the exam questions?!"

"You don't have to worry about this, it's just that the competition method and rules are formulated by Yinghuang Academy, but Mr. Aoki is still very serious about the confidentiality of the exam questions. This is his long-standing principle. He is still a person who can be trusted Yes." Yunyi replied to Han Feng's words, "And this time we, St. Geli and Yinghuang College, are holding a knowledge contest together, which is bound to arouse heated discussions in the education circle. With so many people and so many eyes Next, I think, Yinghuang Academy will not mess around."

"Since that's the case, then what are we doing now? Let's go home and prepare questions~" Han Feng suggested, but as soon as he finished speaking, Gu Zhiyang rewarded him with a chestnut, "Silly! The rules are They formulated it, so we naturally have to learn some useful things from their usual competitions, so as not to change, otherwise when we go to participate in the competition, we will be led by the nose, wouldn't that be a disadvantage? !"

Ji Shaoyi was sitting next to him at the time, and he felt that there seemed to be a sliver of truth, so he approached again, "If this is the case, Yunyi, I think you must have discovered something so you asked us to come and take a look."

Yunyi nodded, and he released the key points of the collected information again, "I think the competition method formulated by Yinghuang Academy may be the following points..."

Ji Shaoyi recalled the competition methods that Yunyi had listed that he thought might be used in this competition. Now Ji Shaoyi wanted to laugh, Yunyi had listed so many, and in the end, the four rounds of today's knowledge contest In the competition, only this last round used one of Yunyi's conjectures...


It is precisely because Yunyi's conjecture has been realized, and they have listed the fourth round of the knowledge competition as one of the key research objects, now, he can have a way to compete with this pool in terms of answering speed. Yun, compete!
"Look, in this kind of 'quick answer' competition, he is almost the winner——Chi Yun, have you found some key points?" Yunyi pointed to her laptop, pressed a button, and the screen Pause, stay at the screen where Chi Yun presses the button, "I made this screen of Chi Yun press the button into a slow-motion screen, let's see—" Yunyi said, and opened the already processed screen from her desktop. video······
(End of this chapter)

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