Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 464 Want to know why my hands are so fast?

Chapter 464 Want to know why my hands are so fast?

After Gu Zhiyang, Ji Shaoyi, and Han Feng watched the slow-motion video that Yunyi had processed, each of them had a dignified look on their faces.

"Have you seen it? Even under the slow motion, the speed of this person named Chi Yun's answering is still very fast. If this kind of competition system is really adopted in the official competition, we need to focus on precautions." Yes, this is Chi Yun! It is certain that his own knowledge is solid, and the magic weapon that is different from others is his hand speed. Therefore, if we want to PK with him in terms of hand speed, our chances of winning are—— 0!" Yunyi shared her analysis with everyone one by one, and no one refuted Yunyi, except...
"Yunyi, I don't agree with your point of view. There is still a chance of winning what you said." Han Feng said solemnly, he used his body to block the screen, Gu Zhiyang and Ji Shao one or two people used very disgusting expressions Looking at Han Feng, what are you doing here?Open up and open up, so that we can't see the analysis.

Gu Zhiyang and Ji Shao were about to push Han Feng away tacitly, but Yun Yi looked at Han Feng with great interest at this moment and said, "Oh? Tell me about Han Feng, what do you think, our Where is the chance of winning?!" When Ji Shaoyi and Gu Zhiyang heard what Yunyi said, they stopped their original actions to drive Han Feng away, anyway, just listen to what you say, but if you say They were all nonsense... Gu Zhiyang and Ji Shao one or two were gearing up, and there was a threat of "If you don't tell me well, I will kill you!" in it.

Han Feng swallowed, trying not to look at those two "barbarians".

Looking at the amiable and kind-hearted Yunyi, he patted himself on the chest, the one who can win is - me!

As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, Ji Shaoyi and Gu Zhiyang were ready to take action. Even Yunyi lowered his head, blinked his eyes, and stood up silently——

"Hey! Don't! Don't! Listen to me! If you don't believe me, we can compare! Anyway, you will lose to me!" Han Feng covered his face, don't slap your face, don't Slap in the face...
"Okay. I'll compare with you~" Ji Shaoyi put away his fists when he heard what Han Feng said, "But, Han Feng, you know it. At this moment, the knowledge competition is already over. There is not much time left, if you waste our time, you will know the consequences..."

Seeing Ji Shaoyi's blatant threat to himself, Han Feng nodded desperately.

Yunyi picked up the phone and asked people to prepare related props. Well, now, he also has some expectations. What is the chance of winning that Han Feng said...
In the next few experiments, Han Feng's words were indeed good. Yunyi, Ji Shaoyi, and Gu Zhiyang were three, and none of them beat Han Feng in the process of "rushing to answer".

At first they all thought it was Han Feng's good luck, but then Ji Shaoyi became suspicious of the props prepared by Yunyi, but in the end, they finally admitted that the odds Han Feng said seemed to be true... ····
"Hey hey, do you want to know why my hand speed is faster than yours?" Han Feng looked at Ji Shaoyi and the other three with great embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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