Chapter 465

Ji Shaoyi: "I don't want to know!"

Yunyi: "..."

Gu Zhiyang said leisurely, "The result of being single for 17 years."

As soon as Gu Zhiyang said this, Yunyi and Ji Shaoyi fainted from laughter on the table, Han Feng: "...Can I cooperate occasionally?!"

Listening to Han Feng's rather sad tone, Yunyi patted Ji Shaoyi to tell him not to make trouble, and looked at Han Feng's face full of seriousness, "Okay, okay, let's talk about it quickly, why did the hands So fast?!"

Han Feng was very happy to hear that someone finally asked what was on his mind, "Hey, next, it's my turn to prepare the props!"

Next, under Han Feng's training, Ji Shaoyi, Yun Yi, and Gu Zhiyang finally managed to crush the person who taught them the method in terms of hand speed, and then beat this person ten times. After a few times, this "practice" of hand speed was finally a complete success!

Ji Shaoyi looked at Han Feng who was under the stage, boy Han, you finally did something right!However, the greatest credit should go to Yunyi!
Without Yunyi's analysis and speculation, perhaps they would have already lost...
"I kept everyone waiting for a long time. After the discussion of the judges and the continuous testing of the machine, everyone agreed that Ji Shaoyi from St. The speed of answering is almost the same, so the question just now is invalid! Next, we will have another round of competition, please listen carefully, this time, in order to avoid the same result as the last competition Depending on the situation, we will adjust the length of the question appropriately. It may be a very long question, or it may be a very short question. Please ask two contestants to read the question clearly and think about the answer before rushing to answer it. ~Otherwise, if you succeed in answering but fail in answering, you will be out of the game as well!"

Just when Ji Shaoyi looked away at Han Shizi and Xia Heyi who was beside Han Shizi, the host Xiaomeng had returned to the stage, and Ji Shaoyi regarded what she said as nonsense Come on, anyway, the main goal now is to be able to get this Chi Yun down!The rest is irrelevant!
"Now, the exciting moment is coming again. Please look at the big screen together! Two contestants, get ready—!"

After Xiaomeng finished speaking, Ji Shaoyi and Chi Yun just stared at the big screen.

Ji Shaoyi: This time, he will never let the situation where two people press the button at the same time just now happen!I will, faster than you!
Chi Yun: Chicken Young, this time, you don't want to beat me!In terms of speed, I am, I will never lose!
"Three, two, one!" The countdown ended, and the question appeared, three seconds later.

"Drip—" A voice sounded on the stage.

Everyone locked their eyes on the two people on the stage, they must take a good look, who really took the lead!

"Ah! That's great, that's great!"

"We've won! We've won!"

Listening to the cheers and cheers from the refueling area opposite, everyone in the refueling area on this side is almost ashamed... The person who snatched it was actually...

(End of this chapter)

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