Chapter 466 Confirm the Answer
"Great! Young Master Chi pressed the button first!"

"Hahaha Saint Geli's people are doomed!"

"Our Yinghuang Academy is sure to win! It's just that our Master Chi Yun was slow to react for a while when we first played, there is nothing to be arrogant about! See, this is the strength of our Young Master Chi Yun!"

Listening to the students of Yinghuang Academy under the stage cheering one after another, Chi Yun glanced at Ji Shaoyi arrogantly:

How about it? !Did you see that, you are really too young to compete with me in terms of hand speed...
However, Ji Shaoyi calmly made a "please" gesture to Chi Yun, which made everyone in St. Geli's College sweat for Ji Shaoyi. Does Ji Shao have any confidence in doing this? ······?
Everyone couldn't help but panic, and many students of St. Geli closed their eyes and prayed, hoping that Chi Yun would perform abnormally and Ji Shaoyi would win.

But in fact, in Ji Shaoyi's heart, he was betting...
He was betting because Chi Yun pressed his hand too fast and didn't notice the topic on the screen just now. In fact, there are two problems...
"It seems that in this round, Chi Yun from our Yinghuang Academy won the first prize! Next, please ask Chi Yun to answer the answer to the question just now."

Chi Yun was very confident, looking at Ji Shaoyi's face full of embarrassment, "The correct answer is, 1871!"

After hearing Chi Yun's words, the host Xiaomeng confirmed to Chi Yun again, "Student Chi Yun, can you confirm your answer? Is it really 1871?"

Chi Yun nodded, "Yes, I'm very sure and sure."

"Wow ~ hoo hoo ~ Master Chi Yun is the best! Come on, Young Master Chi!"

"Cherry Emperor Academy, come on! Saint Geli is doomed!"

At this moment, many people have started to shout, and some students of St. Geli are gradually dejected...
"Okay, since classmate Chi Yun has confirmed his own answer, next, let's take a look at the big screen to verify whether classmate Chi Yun's answer is correct or not!"

After the host Xiaomeng finished speaking, he pointed to the big screen, but at this moment, a dramatic scene appeared. On the big screen, a big "cross" symbol was displayed.

"Oh..." Xiaomeng glanced at Chi Yun regretfully, "I'm sorry Young Master Chi, you got the wrong answer."

Chi Yun's face began to be filled with shock, "Absurd! How is this possible?! I'm sure my answer is correct!"

"Yeah, what's going on here?! Host, please take a good look. Is there a machine error?! Young Master Chi said he was right, so he must be right! And I also read the question just now, and the answer is indeed 1871 That's right!"

"Yes, the answer is correct! It should be that the machine is broken!"

"Yes the machine is broken!"

"The answer is indeed 1871." Ji Shaoyi looked at Chi Yun and smiled charmingly, "But unfortunately, the correct answer is: October 187, 10!"

"Student Ji Shaoyi, can you confirm your answer?!" The host, Xiaomeng, was not affected by the comments below, looked at Ji Shaoyi, and confirmed Ji Shaoyi's answer.

"Yes host, I have confirmed my answer, now, you can publish the answer."

(End of this chapter)

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