Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 472 The school flower white dew?

Chapter 472 The school flower white dew?

It's just that he was asking Xu Chao to do something, so she and Yao Guang would feel that Wang Yang also participated in the violence against Chen Jie, but what was the situation at that time...
"Xu Chaowen! Xu Chaowen!" Xia Heyi suddenly leaned over in a diagonal direction. Xu Chaowen was in the process of refueling, but when he heard Xia Heyi calling him, he quickly stood up and came to Xia Heyi's side.

"Xu Chaowen, let me ask you something. At the beginning, Chen Jie..." Xia Heyi was halfway through speaking, seeing the expression on Xu Chaowen's face froze, her words were a little stuck, but she still wanted to say what she thought Asked out, she wanted to confirm one thing, "At that time, when Chi Yun, Chen Jinzhou and Wang Yang were being violent, did Wang Yang attack Chen Jie?"

Xu Chaowen, as the "initiator" and one of the witnesses of Chen Jie's incident, Xu Chaowen was the one who knew and understood Chen Jie's affairs the most. He was silent for a while before saying, "No. When Chi Yun and Chen Jinzhou attacked Chen Jie , Wang Yang just stood aside, he didn't attack Chen Jie directly, but he didn't stop him either."

Xu Chao asked if he didn't understand, why Xia Heyi wanted to talk about this now, he looked at Xia Heyi, and asked with some doubts, "Why? What happened?"

When Xia Heyi heard Xu Chaowen say this, she thought to herself that she guessed a little bit right, but... "Then what happened later? Why did he attack you all of a sudden? Did you say something at that time?"

"What did you say?" Xu Chao asked. When Xia Heyi suddenly asked, he forgot what he said. He thought about it carefully, but found that the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't think of it.

Xia Heyi saw that Xu Chao had been thinking about it but had no clue at all, so he changed his questioning method, "I ask you, did you say anyone's name at that time? For example, Ji Shaoyi? Gu Zhi Yang? Clouds?

When Xia Heyi was talking about Yunyi, Xu Chaowen patted his thigh, "I remembered, I seemed to have mentioned Yunyi at that time, as for what I said, I forgot, it should be similar to that even if Yunyi appeared now I can't save you or something, because Yunyi walked that way when he got out of school. At that time, Chen Jie seemed to have a mentality that if Yun Shao passed by, he would save him... "

"That's right!" Xia Heyi began to sort things out in her head, but suddenly got stuck, "No, from what you said, it seems that Wang Yang is here because you said Yunyi's name. Wasn’t it the one who fought with you? Does that mean that he hates Yunyi? Yunyi also seems to know Wang Yang, the time they met, it seemed..." Xia Heyi's brain flashed, oh my god, what did she do? Forgot such an important clue? !At that time they seemed to say something again... "Bai Lu?" Xia Heyi didn't realize that he had said what was in his mind, but Xu Chaowen spoke again when Xia Heyi said the name.

"You're so nice, why did you mention the school belle?"

School belle? !When Xu Chao asked, Xia Heyi was in a daze again, what school belle? ! "Isn't the school belle Yao Feier? Why is she now Bailu again?!"

Xu Chaowen rolled his eyes when he heard Xia Heyi say that.

(End of this chapter)

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