Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 473 The Real School Belle

Chapter 473 The Real School Belle

"Yao Fei'er's 'school flower', she found someone to spend money on it, okay?! Is that what she looks like? Yes, it is indeed quite beautiful compared to ordinary people, but she only dares to be that school flower. It was only after Bai Lu left that she dared to find someone to do this... When Bai Lu was here, who would take her seriously?!" After Xu Chaowen finished speaking, he added, "Your place is different from what we read before. , plus Yao Feier made so much noise in the background, Bai Lu didn't stay in St. Geli for a long time, and Yao Feier was suppressed, so it's normal if you don't know."

"You just said that Bai Lu is gone? So what's going on?" Xia Heyi is now more and more curious about this real school belle "Bai Lu". What kind of person is he? !

Well, you Yunyi, you don’t usually share it with us. Xia Heyi guessed in her heart that the relationship between Yunyi and the real school flower Bailu should be quite good...

"Oh, she's not gone, she went to the United States for training and competition. She should come back after the competition, I'm not very clear about it..."

"What's her relationship with Yunyi?" Xia Heyi nodded after knowing that Bailu was competing in the United States. The most important thing now is to ask about the relationship between Bailu and Yunyi!

"This..." Xu Chao asked hesitantly, Xia Heyi looked at Xu Chaowen's appearance, and was a little anxious, "What are you doing, what are you doing hemming and hawing at this time? Come on, don't be tricky Already!"

"I, I'm not very clear. From an outsider's point of view like me, I think they seem to be a couple..." After Xu Chaowen finished speaking, he didn't dare to look at Xia Heyi's expression.

"What?!" Xia Heyi exclaimed, "You said Yunyi and Bailu are lovers?!"

what is this? !Does Yunyi have a girlfriend? !Then he still treats Yao Guang...? !

"I, I guessed it too, it may not be true! Master Yunyi still keeps a distance from Bailu," Xu Chaowen recalled in his mind that he had seen Bailu and Yunyi walking together several times, but Yunyi always walked with him. Bai Lu seemed to be keeping a distance, with a slight sense of alienation, but there was no doubt that Bai Lu liked Yunyi!Judging from the way Bai Lu looked at Yun Yi.

"Oh, ok, ok..." Xia Heyi was a little confused now, and she returned to her seat. From this point of view, the real school flower Bailu likes Yunyi, but can Yunyi him? ? ?He probably doesn't like Bai Lu, but Wang Yang, he also knows Yunyi and Bai Lu, but he is so hostile to Yun Yi. It seems that he likes Bai Lu, because he "can't get what he asks for", so he becomes angry from embarrassment? !It should be like this...
But, if Wang Yang really dislikes Yunyi and hates Yunyi, shouldn't he be fighting Yunyi more?What does it mean to be on stage now? !Is he very sure that he can beat Ji Shaoyi? !

After defeating Ji Shaoyi, do you think Yunyi will play? !
This, this is clear, it means looking down on Ji Shaoyi!If he really followed what he thought, he simply didn't take Ji Shaoyi seriously!

So confident? !And those people from Yinghuang Academy...
(End of this chapter)

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