Chapter 479 I finally met you

I finally met you!
Are you ready to be my defeater? !
Wang Yang's eyes were full of hostility towards Yunyi. This time, he had to prove to Lulu that Yunyi was a loser no matter what!He is not good enough for her!
Yunyi's appearance, coupled with Wang Yang's yelling at Yunyi before his appearance, all these once again pushed this knowledge contest to a climax.

"Wow~ I didn't expect that our classmate Yunyi from St. Geli really faced the battle!" The moment the host Xiaomeng saw Yunyi coming out, his eyes were full of surprise and surprise, but as Yunyi stood on the stage Afterwards, the people of Yinghuang Academy stopped shouting. They became quiet again just like in the first match just now, without saying anything, just quietly looking at the stage, looking at their Young Master Wang Yang!
As for Sheng Geli, because of the arrival of Ji Shaoyi just now, everyone looked at the stage very calmly. This time, the duel between Wang Yang and Yun Yi made the whole audience quiet, which was beyond the compere's attention. As predicted by the dream, unexpectedly, the audience actually fell silent?This is how the same thing? !
But now, it's not the time to worry about this, it's better to quickly host the game!
"Well, before the game, I don't know if you two have anything to say to your competitors?" Before the game started, the host Xiaomeng suddenly thought of Wang Yang and Ji Shaoyi before the last game. The "battle of words" should be "used" again this time, not to mention, it was Wang Yang who "clamored" Yunyi in the front, and Yunyi came to the stage behind to play a big show!
The duel between the two of them has simply become the most anticipated match in the knowledge contest other than the final match!

"Yunyi, I am the one who wins." I will beat you!Prove it to Lulu!

Wang Yang's tone was calm, but in his eyes, there was a "turbulent sea" that was completely different from his words, and he was coming. He had been looking forward to this duel with Yunyi for a long time!Also excited for a long time!
Just a little while longer!in a while!Yunyi will be defeated by his subordinates!
"Wang Yang." Compared to Wang Yang's direct threat that he would win, Yunyi just calmly called out Wang Yang's name, "I know the reason why you are hostile to me. Hostility. But aside from these, this is a game, and there will be winners and losers in the game. I don’t think I will lose in today’s contest. You can do it yourself.”

The conversation between Wang Yang and Yunyi before the game made everyone in Yinghuang College and St. Geli College excited again, but everyone suppressed themselves and didn't let themselves be too excited. At this time, It seems that everyone has the same tacit understanding, that is, keep quiet and wait for good news.

"Both pre-match declarations are wonderful! Now that that's the case, let's get into the main topic of the competition right away! Let's wait and see, Wang Yang vs. Yunyi, who will win?! Is Yinghuang Academy winning again, or St. Geli College successfully shot down a fierce general of Yinghuang Academy! Please look at the big screen!"

On the screen, a countdown appeared again, almost everyone held their breath, they didn't want to miss any moment of the current game.

(End of this chapter)

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