Chapter 480 So Much Changed

Because, this is a game that determines the outcome of the game. Once they miss this critical moment, they will immediately miss that exciting moment!

"Three, two, one!"

The countdown is over, and the question this time is actually longer than all the questions that have appeared before!Moreover, it was so perverted that even the punctuation marks did not appear...
So at first glance, Wang Yang and Yunyi didn't immediately find the question and search for the answer until——



However, what is ironic is that the answering machine on the stage "combined into one" again, and the two voices sounded at the same time again!Yes!Sound at the same time!

This coincidental and embarrassing moment made everyone's tense strings enter a state of collapse, my God!This happened again!

What happened to today's game? !Why are there frequent situations where two people press the answer button at the same time during the answering session? !
What's more, those of them who were sitting in the audience, hadn't finished reading the question, but the question disappeared because the two of them pressed the button. Did they really finish reading the question or just want to "test people first"? !

After experiencing the same situation so many times, some students of the two schools feel that they have entered a state of "doubting life". Is this the gap? !
Wang Yang narrowed his eyes dangerously, Yun Yi, it really wasn't easy!Not so easy to deal with!

Yunyi just looked at the answering machine in front of her calmly, it seems that she has to move on to the next question.

"Today is such a coincidence. I don't know how many times this situation has happened! Hehe, it seems that our players are really evenly matched! Let's move on to the second question——"

The host Xiaomeng couldn't help dripping a drop of cold sweat from his forehead, really, is it such a coincidence? !Have you made an appointment? !
"Three! Two! One!"



The question displayed on the big screen this time was shorter than the previous question and also included punctuation marks. Both Wang Yang and Yunyi also responded quickly, but—they both pressed the answering machine at the same time!

"Damn!" Chi Yun kicked the back chair of the person sitting in front of him unhappily, and when the back chair was kicked by Chi Yun, the person who was sitting staggered forward and was about to swear and get angry, but Turning around, he saw Chi Yun exuding "I'm very upset" all over his body, and immediately calmed down his emotions.

It's Young Master Chi!He can't afford it!
"Chi Yun, what are you doing? Can you watch the game?" Chen Jinzhou was also taken aback by Chi Yun's sudden action. This Chi Yun is always so hot-tempered!

"What the hell is going on with Yunyi and Wang Yang?! Did Wang Yang give in again this time?! Why didn't he do it all at once like when he killed Ji Shaoyi just now?! Didn't he do it with ease last time! Why can't it work again this time?! Don't give me water, Wang Yang!" It's not just this that Chi Yun is upset about!What made him feel uncomfortable was that another person rushed in front of him!

Damn Saint Gregory!Damn Yunyi!Hasn't it been useless before? !How come St. Geli has grown so much in just one week? !Wasn't it all broken up before? !
(End of this chapter)

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