Chapter 506
Those two stinky old men don't know what plans they are planning, and the stage will shake up, it's really troublesome...

Gu Zhiyang's eyes were fixed on Ye Quan who was standing in front of him. Ye Quan, judging from the investigation data, really didn't know that he had such a foundation in him. It seems that he was not a Such a lovable character.....
There was no vibration from the props, and the platform where the title was placed had not yet risen. Gu Zhiyang and Ye Quan stood in the same place, neither of them took a step. After a minute of stalemate... ···
Ye Quan moved first!
Ye Quan: Since the shock has not been felt for so long, let's give it a go. Before the shock is felt, beat Gu Zhiyang to the ground first!
As soon as Ye Quan moved, Gu Zhiyang followed suit, and the two quickly met. Ye Quan first swept his leg towards Gu Zhiyang's lower body, Gu Zhiyang jumped up, and then bent with one hand. Seeing that his elbow was about to hit Ye Quan's back, Ye Quan immediately stepped back, and when Gu Zhiyang's feet landed on the ground again, he punched——

Gu Zhiyang blocked with both hands, his and Ye Quan's hands intersected again, and their wrists touched each other. Ye Quan and Gu Zhiyang suddenly started to move their hands on the stage, which was something no one expected.

"Why did they start fighting?"

"Strange, this competition is really... not a knowledge competition? Why is it now a fight?"

"Oh, no matter what competition it is, don't you guys think that the two of them play very emotionally on stage?! The kind of inseparable!"

"Wow, come on! Young Master Gu! Come on!"

"Young Master Ye, come on!"

Gu Zhiyang and Ye Quan started fighting on the stage, which inexplicably aroused the blood of the students of the two schools.

Looking at the two people fighting on the stage, Chi Yun was surprised that Gu Zhiyang was able to match Ye Quan and be invincible.This Gu Zhiyang is not as simple as they imagined...
Ji Shao narrowed his eyes, and he could still know where Zhiyang's strength was. He really didn't expect that he would not be able to take him down easily when confronted with this Ye Quan. This Ye Quan is quite skilled... ····
"Oh, it's time, I'll add some ingredients to you~" Mr. Aoki said, snapping his fingers, and the stage changed immediately!
The shock came suddenly!
The platform suddenly rises!
The two people who had been playing inseparably had to be separated by the sudden shock, and their gazes both looked towards the center of the stage, where the question card had already risen!

Gu Zhiyang took the first step and rushed towards the platform, followed by Ye Quan, just like in the first match, after Gu Zhiyang got the question card, Ye Quan's hand hit Gu Zhiyang's arm, Toss on the topic card——

But it was different from the first round!

Ye Quan's hand suddenly swung towards Gu Zhiyang's eyes - traces of white powder suddenly hit Gu Zhiyang's eyes.

Gu Zhiyang hurriedly started, then stepped back——

When Ye Quan saw the question, he rushed towards his answering machine!

After Gu Zhiyang reacted, Ye Quan had already pressed the answering device!


Gu Zhiyang wiped his nose with his hand, there was still some white powder on it...
Ye Quan would be deceitful, which he did not expect!
(End of this chapter)

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