Chapter 507 Two to One
This round of competition, there is no doubt that Ye Quan won.

Now the score is two to one.

Because Ye Quan's movements were too fast, Gu Zhiyang's figure blocked Ye Quan's front again, so that Ye Quan's body was not fully exposed to the public. In addition, the two of them were extremely close just now!Ye Quan didn't sprinkle a lot of powder, it can be seen that he just wanted to "scare" Gu Zhiyang, and didn't really want to hurt Gu Zhiyang's eyes...

Therefore, the people in the audience only saw that during the confrontation between Gu Zhiyang and Ye Quan, Gu Zhiyang retreated because he was "afraid" that Ye Quan would attack him...

"It was Saint Geli's Gu Zhiyang who lost!"

"Did you see it! St. Geli's, your Young Master Gu, when he was fighting against Young Master Ye of our Yinghuang Academy, he conceded first! He escaped first!"

"Hehehe, let's see how you keep going! Next, our Young Master Ye Quan must win all the time! You guys, just accept your fate!"

In this head-to-head confrontation between Gu Zhiyang and Ye Quan, Gu Zhiyang lost, which made the people off the stage start to shake their hearts. Gu Zhiyang clenched his fists tightly. He really didn't expect that Ye Quan would Do this trick...

It seems that the situation is not good!
It's not that he hasn't thought about the confrontation between the two, but if something unexpected happens between them, it will become unacceptable to the students in the audience!

The fourth round of competition officially begins!
Gu Zhiyang must win this match!
Because Ye Quan has already won two rounds, if he succeeds in this round again, then, in the knowledge contest, Yinghuang Academy will win!
And the audience in the audience, especially the people from Yinghuang Academy, was once again in high spirits because of Ye Quan's victory just now!Soon!Soon!Their Yinghuang Academy is about to win!

"Master Ye Quan, come on!"

"Cherry Emperor Academy, come on!"

"Master Ye Quan, come on!"

"Cherry Emperor Academy, come on!"

It seems that this game can't be messed up anymore, we have to be serious!

When the competition started, Gu Zhiyang immediately rushed towards Ye Quan. This time, regardless of whether there was a shock or not, he would seize the opportunity to read the topic first!This time, you must not be careless!
Ye Quan watched Gu Zhiyang attacking him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, that's great!Waiting for you to come!

However, when Gu Zhiyang walked to Ye Quan's side, before Ye Quan had time to attack him, his hand had already been raised ahead of time, sweeping across Ye Quan's eyes.

But it was just brushing the edge, and did not get Ye Quan, but it was just this one that made Ye Quan dazed, and the shock began to hit when Ye Quan was dazed——

Gu Zhiyang was one step earlier, when he stretched out his hand to Ye Quan, he had already gathered his strength and was ready to rush up the platform——

If, if this prop is really designed by the old man Aoki and the troublesome old man in his own academy as he thought, then the two of them must have the right to control the operation of this prop at one time!

My old man looks older, which makes people feel that he is a more stable person, but in fact, he is not like that!

He likes to be stimulated!In other words, I like "fast"!Because of pleasure, it can bring him excitement, and he has to pay attention to one word in everything he does, and that is "fast"!
(End of this chapter)

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