Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 513 Saint Geli, I have won!

Chapter 513 Saint Geli, I have won!

"Everyone be quiet!" An unusually familiar voice from the students of Yinghuang Academy sounded, and the students of Yinghuang Academy immediately fell silent. The students of St. Geli Academy did not intend to give up. However, another voice appeared at this time ·····

"Okay, okay, calm down, kids."

Hearing the voice of the principal who had just appeared not long ago, the students of St. Geli College gradually calmed down, and they never quarreled like before.

The corners of Gu Zhiyang's eyes twitched, and he looked at his principal with displeased eyes. After receiving Gu Zhiyang's eyes full of complaints and even some resentment, the principal just smiled at Gu Zhiyang.

Gu Zhiyang was going crazy, he finally came out, old man!

"Principal Aoki, it was me just now..." Seeing Principal Aoki coming out, Ye Quan went up to tell the principal that he pressed the answering device first, but the answering device did not turn on the light. However, As soon as he opened his mouth, Mr. Aoki showed a sense of majesty, and his eyes flashed sternly when he looked at Ye Quan, "Okay, stop talking."

Ye Quan was a little taken aback, he didn't expect that Principal Aoki would not stand by him? !Principal, what's the matter? !He is now the last contestant of Yinghuang Academy, if he loses, Yinghuang Academy will lose!Lost to St. Gregory!It doesn't matter if the reputation of the college is damaged, principal? !
"Host, leave us alone and continue with what you should do." Mr. Aoki and Ye Quan finished speaking, then looked at Xiaomeng who was standing aside, who was a little stunned, Xiaomeng finally realized, she nodded, With a sigh of relief, he walked towards Gu Zhiyang holding the microphone with a smile on his face, "Young Master Gu, you are the first to press the answering device now, please tell me the answer to this question."

Gu Zhiyang took the microphone, looked at the students of St. Geli in the audience, and finally fixed his eyes on Lu Yaoguang who was looking at him, and slowly said his own answer. After Gu Zhiyang finished speaking, Exactly the same as the correct answer displayed on the big screen!
At this moment, the victory finally fell to St. Geli College.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! We won!"

"we won!"

"Good job Young Master Gu! Good job Saint Geli!"

"St. Gerry's won! We've won!"

The final victory in this knowledge competition belongs to St. Geli College!

The students of St. Geli College were very excited at this moment. Many people hugged and danced and cheered. Some girls couldn't help crying with joy. They won!Saint Gregory wins!After a week of hard work, they, St. Geli, won!
The people of Yinghuang Academy lowered their heads, and some of them clenched their fists in displeasure.

"Principal! Please give us an explanation! It was really Young Master Ye Quan who pressed the answering device first!"

"Yes principal! Really, we didn't lie to you, it was really Young Master Ye Quan who pressed the answering machine first!"

The students of Yinghuang Academy began to protest, they did not accept such an ending.

Mr. Aoki wanted to speak, but Gu Zhiyang was one step ahead of Mr. Aoki, and said first, "Just now, it was indeed Ye Quan who pressed the answering device first..."

Ye Quan and the people from Yinghuang Academy looked at Gu Zhiyang, wondering why he spoke for Ye Quan?

(End of this chapter)

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