Chapter 514
"That's all right, all right, no matter what the result of the game is, St. Geli has won the game now. Ye Quan's answering machine, this is a mistake made by you when you were rushing to answer, and you can't blame others." Mr. Aoki took a step ahead of Gu Zhiyang , Tell the reason why Ye Quan's answering machine failed at that moment.

Gu Zhiyang raised his eyebrows, since Mr. Aoki said so, then let's say so.

Indeed, Ye Quan's answering machine was broken by themselves.

First, Chi Yun slammed his palm heavily because of the defeat of the game. When the contestants who came to the stage after him pressed the answering machine, the light of the answering machine was already flickering slightly...

All of this did not escape the shooting of the machine, nor did it escape his eyes who were watching the game in the background.

In addition, the last time just now, Chi Yun, he lost control and slapped the answering machine so hard again, so...

However, this is really a matter of luck, until the last moment, he was still careless. If Ye Quan's answering device did not fail at that moment, now, it would be completely the opposite result.

Well, judging from the final result, he was betting right.

"Principal, I don't..." Ye Quan couldn't accept Principal Aoki's words. He walked to Principal Aoki's side, but was so shocked by Principal Aoki's look that he couldn't speak. Principal Aoki whispered He said to Ye Quan, "Don't think that I don't know what you did in the game just now. It's fine if Gu Zhiyang doesn't pursue it. If he does, I will definitely not protect you."

"Ye Quan, you should know who I am as a principal."

"Don't be obsessed with the result anymore, because from the process point of view, you have already lost."

Hearing what Mr. Aoki said, Ye Quan had no choice but to hold back his breath and didn't say anything more.

"Principal! We are not convinced!"

"That's right, principal, it can only be blamed on the problem of props, we are not satisfied with this result!"

"We don't agree!"

The fact that Ye Quan didn't say anything doesn't mean that the entire Yinghuang Academy can still accept this result. They are Yinghuang Academy!They lost the head-to-head match with St. Geli this time, so since then, wouldn't their Yinghuang Academy have been unable to hold their heads up in front of St. Geli? !

"Okay, stop messing around. You are still students of Yinghuang Academy, and you are still the 'hosts' of this knowledge contest. Don't you know what the rules of Yinghuang's competition are?" Principal Aoki asked from the host. Meng took the microphone in her hand, faced her students in the audience, and said sternly.

The students of Yinghuang Academy who were shouting immediately stopped and stopped shouting. The rules of the Yinghuang Academy competition, that is, if the props are destroyed by themselves during the competition, it can only be regarded as a loss!

This is one of the rules they must know in every game they have entered the Sakura Emperor Academy...
"Principal! They lost at Yinghuang Academy. Now, can they be handed over?" Xu Sheng called out to the headmaster of his own St. Geli from under the stage. Following Xu Sheng's opening, the other St. Li's students immediately exploded, "That's right, principal! They lost to Emperor Ying, so they have to hand it over!"

"Hand over! Hand over the culprit who killed Chen Jie!"

"Hand over it!"

"Hand over the person who killed Chen Jie!"

(End of this chapter)

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