Chapter 515 Apologize
Facing the "condemnation" from the students of St. Geli College, Mr. Aoki stood on the stage, and together with Gu Zhiyang, he looked at the principal of St. Geli who was standing aside.

Principal: "..." What are you looking at me for? !

"Okay, everyone, be quiet and calm down." Principal Aoki handed over the microphone to the principal of St. Geli College, his friend and opponent, the "dwarf".

"Before that, I want everyone to meet someone." Just as Principal St. Geli finished speaking, a person walked out against the light of the stage——

"Who is that?"

"That... that's Chen Jie!" A classmate who knew Chen Jie saw Chen Jie's sudden appearance, covered his mouth, and looked at the scene in disbelief.

Chen Jie, he is still alive? !
"Oh my god! It's Chen Jie! Chen Jie is still alive!"

"Chen Jie is still alive! He is still alive!"

"Really, I'm not dreaming, am I?! If it's true, that would be great!"

"Chen Jie is still alive! Great! Great!"


Those who knew Chen Jie and those who were in the same class as Chen Jie were excited when they saw Chen Jie who was safe and sound. Some girls hugged each other and began to cry, while some boys also had red eyes.

"Here, I want to apologize to everyone. I'm sorry, Chen Jie. I hid him. I lied to all of you. Chen Jie, he died..."

Next, the principal of St. Geli College talked about his original intention of creating St. Geli on the stage. St. Geli later became farther and farther away from his initial vision. Now, he had to come up with this method. Restore St. Geli to its original state.

"As a principal, the original purpose of creating a school is to get more people into school. To let you all receive the influence of culture."

"But St. Geli later became polarized. Although I did not cause it, it was also because of my wrong decision that so many students were bullied. Here, I want to apologize to you—" Sheng Geli After Li's principal finished speaking, he stood on the stage and bowed to his students in apology.

This bow, the principal bowed for a long time.

Seeing the already gray-haired principal standing on the stage and apologizing to them, I don't know who started it first. The students in the "noble district" of St. Geli College bowed down to apologize to the students in the "slums" beside them. .


"I'm sorry, it was all our fault before..."

"Sorry for rejecting you..."


All the students in St. Geli's "Noble District" did the same thing as their principal. This move made many students who were bullied by them before shed deep tears.

This sentence of apology, I originally thought that I would not wait in my lifetime...
"It's okay." Lu Yaoguang said softly, Xia Heyi said again, and then, centering on their location, more and more students from the "slums" began to respond to the "noble district" Student's apology.

"They're all classmates..."

"It's okay for me to say this because of your sincere attitude now, but I'm sorry for everything you did to me before, and I will never forgive you."

(End of this chapter)

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