Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 519 Lu Yaoguang's life experience chapter opens!

Chapter 519 Lu Yaoguang's life story opens!
After Yunyi put down the fruits and flowers, she pointed to Gu Zhiyang and Han Feng, "Xiaobai, let me introduce you, this is Gu Zhiyang, and this is Han Feng."

Bai Lu looked at Gu Zhiyang with probing eyes, Gu Zhiyang felt a little uncomfortable at the sight, "What? Have you never seen a handsome guy?"

"Cut~" Bai Lu waved her hand, "Gu Zhiyang, you are too shameless, I have seen the handsome guy a long time ago, and he is right beside me!" Bai Lu said, pointing to Yunyi beside her, Yunyi smiled faintly , Bai Lu went on to say, "Ah, I really didn't expect that you 'one king and two young men' would get together..." Even if Gu Zhiyang didn't introduce Yunyi, Bai Lu knew each other, because they were from the same school after all. Yes, it's just that she didn't expect that this group of them would actually get together.

"Hey, you're wrong, now you're the 'Four Young Masters of St. Geli'!" Han Feng was unhappy that Bai Lu still called this "one king and two young masters". Announcement, there is no such thing as "one king and two young men" in the current St. Geli, and what status does this place Han Feng.

"He's just a fool, you don't need to worry about him." Ji Shaoyi pointed at Han Feng, and Han Feng complained, "Brother-in-law, you are too kind, you don't save face for me when you go out, sister, Look, my brother-in-law is bullying me again!" Han Feng said, looking at Xia Heyi with sad eyes, Xia Heyi had no choice but to hit Ji Shaoyi again, "Can you stop mocking my brother all the time?"

Hearing Han Feng's "sister" for a while and "brother-in-law" for a while, Bai Lu was stunned. What's going on?What's the matter, it's such a mess...?

Seeing the surprised expression on Bai Lu's face, Yunyi leaned down and whispered in Bai Lu's ear, "A lot of things happened during your absence, I will talk to you later when I have time."

"Okay." Bai Lu nodded.

"Bai Lu, this is Huang Shushu, um~ you understand..." Han Feng pointed at the bewildered Huang Shushu next to him, expressing his meaning "implicitly", Bai Lu nodded meaningfully , "Oh~ I see..."

Huang Shushu blushed, "Hi Bailu," but still greeted him politely.

Bai Lu's eyes swept over the people in the ward one by one. Those who can come here to see her now are all friends recognized by Xiao Yunduo.I didn't expect that during her absence, Xiao Yunduo had so many friends...
But when Bai Lu's eyes fixed on the girl standing next to Gu Zhiyang who hadn't spoken a word, she frowned, wondering, why does this person seem familiar? !
"That one is Lu Yaoguang." Seeing Bai Lu's eyes fixed on Lu Yaoguang, Yunyi introduced to Bai Lu. When Bai Lu heard Lu Yaoguang's name, she froze. It turned out that this person was Xiao Yunduo he······
She is really good-looking, she has a good temperament, indeed, she is very attractive...

Hearing Yunyi introduce herself to Bailu, Lu Yaoguang nodded at Bailu and smiled politely, "Hi, my name is Lu Yaoguang. Nice to meet you."

Bai Lu's eyes were tightly locked on Lu Yaoguang's body, this person, really, the more she looked at her, the more she felt...

Bai Lu's eyes were locked on her body, but Lu Yaoguang didn't dodge it.

(End of this chapter)

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