Chapter 520 Replenishing Energy
She also took the opportunity to look at Bai Lu. Bai Lu has a standard oval face, shoulder-length hair, a tall nose, and thin lips. All the facial features are matched together, and there is a kind of classical beauty. Her beauty is eye-catching. In the past, at first glance, it was a very peaceful, beautiful, and comfortable feeling...
"Xiao Bai, what's the matter?" Seeing Bai Lu staring at Lu Yaoguang, Yun Yi asked.

Bai Lu's eyes flashed, and she looked away from Lu Yaoguang, "No, I just feel like I've seen Yaoguang somewhere..."

"That may be because you read it wrong."

"Well, it's possible." For some reason, Bai Lu's mood suddenly sank, and she felt a little tired.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries in the ward, in order to let Bai Lu rest better, Yunyi asked Ji Shaoyi and the others to go back early, after a day of competition, I believe they are also very tired.

Ji Shaoyi, Gu Zhiyang and the others went home to rest...
"I don't know if it's my delusion, I think... Bai Lu doesn't like me too much?" Lu Yaoguang sat in Gu Zhiyang's car, resting her chin with one hand, looking out the window. Landscape, after all, no one will stare at each other when they first meet...

Gu Zhiyang held the steering wheel, and heard Lu Yaoguang say, "That must be your illusion. Bai Lu is a person with good character, and she won't say that she has an inexplicable dislike for you as soon as they meet. Besides, she is a person It's also quite straightforward, if she doesn't like you, she won't say a word to you."

"Oh, that might really be my illusion." After Lu Yaoguang finished speaking, he didn't know why he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Hearing Gu Zhiyang's tone, why did he feel that he seemed to be very familiar with Bai Lu?

Of course Gu Zhiyang would not tell Lu Yaoguang that Bai Lu would keep looking at you, maybe it was because she knew that Yunyi liked you.

Haha, it’s such a good opportunity for Bai Lu to return to China at this time, Yunyi, Yunyi, you just have to worry about it for a while...

After the two returned home, Gu Zhiyang felt that Lu Yaoguang seemed a little depressed, and when he was climbing the stairs, he suddenly said, "Ah..." Lu Yaoguang turned around and walked to Gu Zhiyang's side when he heard the sound ,"What's wrong?"

Gu Zhiyang rolled up his trouser legs, and there was a bruise on his knee, "You, how did you get it?" Lu Yaoguang said, supporting Gu Zhiyang, "Go back to the room, I'll get the medicine. "

Seeing the worried look in Lu Yaoguang's eyes, Gu Zhiyang felt that it was not a good decision to expose her wounds. She is also very tired after so many things happened today... ··
After the two returned to the room, Lu Yaoguang carefully applied medicine to Gu Zhiyang, "How did you get it? Are there any other injuries?"

Gu Zhiyang lifted up his other injured places, exposed the places where he was secretly injured by Ye Quan during the game, and showed it to Lu Yaoguang.

Lu Yaoguang frowned tightly, "What are you doing here? Why do you have these wounds on your body?"

Gu Zhiyang originally wanted to tell Lu Yaoguang the truth, but felt that this would make her angry and sad, so he said, "It's nothing, I accidentally fell."

Lu Yaoguang: "······" How old is this, and will fall like this? !so stupid!

(End of this chapter)

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