Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 533 Don't let him know

Chapter 533 Don't let him know

Gu Zhiyang put down his cushion, put one hand on his eyes, and with the other hand, he involuntarily touched his side, but he could only touch a blank space.

Yao Guang······
Why didn't you message me back? !
Didn't you see it?

Or are you pretending you didn't see it?

After seeing that sentence, don't you have anything to say to him? !

That was the first time he was so impulsive. Without thinking about anything, without preparing for anything, and without knowing why, this thought flashed through his mind at that time. When he saw her pull through the window and walk out That moment.

Suddenly, I really wanted to tell her.

"I like you."

"My lord, it seems that the king doesn't really want you to know what he is looking for now." On the other side, it was the other end of the call that Gu Zhiyang dialed through the black mobile phone just now.

A man in black clothes with a scorpion tattooed on his neck put down the phone in his hand, but only one button was displayed on the phone screen, "Hands-free—"

"Pa-ta-pat--" a rhythmic sound sounded from the sofa.

A man wearing a golden mask was sitting on a leather sofa chair with his legs crossed, tapping his fingers one after another. On the hand he was tapping, he was wearing a ring with a long, sharp blade. It was the extremely sharp blade at the head that made the sound.

"I didn't expect that she still has this trick..." the man in the golden mask suddenly said, his voice carried a sense of vicissitudes, and it was heard from the voice that the man in the golden mask also looked Already old.

"Master, are we going to deal with the company..." The scorpion man was halfway through, when he saw the golden masked man's index finger stretched out and stood up next to his lips, indicating to the scorpion man, don't Speak again.

The scorpion man immediately stood up obediently without saying a word.

"Even if she has something to do, she's just lingering..." the man in the golden mask said, and then smiled, "I just didn't expect that she would do this for the sake of the company. betrayed her son..."

"Counting the shares purchased just yesterday, how many shares do we have now?" The man with the golden mask stood up and walked to the side of the scorpion man.

The scorpion man lowered his head, and as the man with the golden mask approached him, he always felt that he was out of breath.The breath of the Lord is too strong, if he gets too close to himself, he always feels that he will be sucked in...to be swallowed up...
"Counting yesterday's shares, we now have 70.00% of that company's shares. My lord, do you want to...do it?"

The scorpion man raised his head slowly, and looked up at the man in the golden mask. Now the master asked him how much shares he had bought. Does it mean that the master is coming to the end of the day?
"Don't worry..." the man in the golden mask said, and took out a photo from his pocket. The photo was damaged and even slightly yellowed, but it could be seen that this photo was well protected Well, the hand of the man with the golden mask is touching back and forth on the photo...
(End of this chapter)

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