Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 534 What Are You Going To Do?

Chapter 534 What Are You Going To Do?

Afterwards, the man with the golden mask showed a bloodthirsty smile, "I want the company to collapse quickly, but the most important thing is to let Song Yun's will collapse too."

"Zhiyang wants to find out about the relationship between Sheng Zhiyue and Lu Yaoguang? Just give him a little information, remember, pick what you need to say." After the man in the golden mask finished speaking, he walked out of the door of this secret room, the corner of his mouth curled up. Raised upward, "How should I put it, it is indeed Zhiyang... who has made so many women obsessed with him. Tell me, what are you going to do?" The door of the secret room opened, and outside the door stood a man in a suit. A girl in a white dress...
After a while, information from the organization came to Gu Zhiyang's cell phone.

Sheng Zhiyue, the daughter of Ouyang Fang of L·RCEO, a famous American enterprise company.

I love dancing and have won many awards in international dance competitions...
Gu Zhiyang flipped his hand upwards quickly, he didn't want to see the information he could find on the Internet again, the key is, what happens next?

Gu Zhiyang's fingers stopped at a certain place, and his brows were slightly frowned. Sheng Zhiyue is a single-parent family, but her father is...?

Is it that person? !King, the largest underground organization in the United States——Shengquan?This is a person who can change the situation in the American political arena with a flick of his feet.He is Sheng Zhiyue's father?
After knowing Sheng Zhiyue's biological father, Gu Zhiyang was slightly surprised, but this was not the information he was looking for.

The point is, what is the relationship between Sheng Zhiyue and Yao Guang? !

However, Gu Zhiyang searched carefully, but still did not find the news he wanted.Gu Zhiyang checked again, because he knew that if he hadn't missed the news, then he couldn't even find out his own organization?
The reason why the organization couldn't find out was either that there was no relationship between the two, or... it was hidden by another powerful force.However, it is quite difficult to hide from the investigation of your own organization!It can be said that there is almost nothing...

Can't find it? !
If this is the case, it means that there is no relationship between Lu Yaoguang and Sheng Zhiyue, but what about the second situation?


Gu Zhiyang smashed his car window angrily, his mind was in a mess, and he didn't have the energy to think about the relationship between Yao Guang and Sheng Zhiyue!But Gu Zhiyang's intuition told him that the relationship between Yao Guang and Sheng Zhiyue must not be easy!
Now no matter what, it's better to settle that inexplicable marriage first!

If you can't even find out the organization for a while, then it's useless to worry about it secretly here.

Sheng Zhiyue, no matter who you are or whose daughter you are, I will never get engaged to you!
The flight from Los Angeles, USA finally arrived.

Sheng Zhiyue got off the plane, and stretched her waist, um~ I have been on so many planes, but I have never felt as tired as today when flying by plane!

Ah~ It's finally here!Sheng Zhiyue closed her eyes, took a breath of the air here, Zhiyang, finally, can breathe the air of the same city with you again...
"Miss, hello." Before Sheng Zhiyue opened her eyes, someone had already stood in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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