Chapter 535 You Are Fired

Sheng Zhiyue opened her eyes, looked at the man in all black suits standing in front of her, and sighed, "Mom is still worried about me being alone! I told her that I can be alone, really Yes, why are you still so worried... I'm not a child anymore!"

Hearing what Sheng Zhiyue said, the leading man showed a kind smile, "Miss Sheng, Madam is not worried about you, it's because you just got off the plane and you are quite tired, so let us do the rest first , as long as you have a good rest, Miss Sheng, Madam says you can do whatever you want, and we all follow Miss Sheng's orders." The man thought in his heart, this Miss Shengzhi Yuesheng is really beautiful, looking Seems to have a good personality too.It's really great, I received the task sent by my superiors, it seems quite easy.

"Hey, let me say," Sheng Zhiyue took out her sunglasses case from her bag, opened the box, and put on the sunglasses, "Why have you been giggling since just now? It looks so stupid and annoying! "

The smiling man froze, before he could react, why did Sheng Zhiyue's tone change so much all of a sudden? !

"Didn't you understand what I said?" Seeing the silly smile on the man's face, Sheng Zhiyue's mood suddenly became a little irritable, "You are really an eyesore, you have been fired, Get lost, get out of my sight!" Sheng Zhiyue said, closing her sunglasses case, what she hated most was when others talked to her with a silly smile.

"Miss Sheng, why...why? I, I..." The man was about to explain something, but Sheng Zhiyue impatiently ordered others to kick him out, "Are you What are you doing? Are you deaf? Didn’t you hear me say let this person go? Why don’t you quickly drag him away from me? It’s annoying to watch! Or do you want to get a taste of being fired?”

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, the salary of this job is very high, they don't want to lose it!

The smirking man just now was dragged away in a blink of an eye, away from Sheng Zhiyue's sight, Sheng Zhiyue snorted, and spoke a long list of English, but none of them were pleasant words ······
Unexpectedly, as soon as I got off the plane, my good mood was ruined by the person who laughed like an idiot just now!It's so frustrating!

Mom is also true, if you really want to send someone to pick her up, why don't you get someone with better quality to pick her up? !

"What are you still doing in a daze? Didn't you come to pick me up? You have picked me up now, why don't you take me away quickly? Why do you have to tell me everything before you do it?" Sheng Zhiyue's patience, because Those things that happened just now have been worn to the extreme!Really, the more I look at it, the more I feel that these people are not pleasing to the eye, so I better go back to the hotel quickly, so as not to be annoyed when I see these people!

"Yes, yes, Miss Sheng, I'm sorry, we'll get ready right away." Seeing Sheng Zhiyue who had already lost his temper, the remaining people immediately started to act.

After arriving at the hotel, Sheng Zhiyue took a shower, took out her mobile phone when she came out, and sent a text message to her mother that she had arrived, and the message was quickly replied, but...
(End of this chapter)

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