Chapter 541 Legal Counsel

But now, she still intervenes...

A trace of sadness flashed in Song Yun's eyes, but soon, the sadness disappeared. "By the way, where's Xiao Wang?" Song Yun asked the employee, who shook his head.Song Yun sighed, "Have you still not contacted Xiao Wang?"

Xiao Wang is her lawyer consultant. He has helped fight so many lawsuits and dealt with too many company matters over the years, and has always been her right-hand man.

The employees looked at President Song's face with a touch of sadness, and their hearts trembled. I have to say that President Song usually looks like a strong woman, resolute and resolute. She is very dazzling at ordinary times, like an extremely dazzling bright star. Diamond-like, plus she always has a cold face, so it will give people a feeling of inaccessibility, cold and frightening.

But now, seeing President Song involuntarily showing this faint sad expression, he would feel a slight throbbing pain in his heart, feeling that this strong woman who usually looks cold is also very fragile and needs protection.No matter how strong a woman is, she is only a woman after all...

This time Lawyer Wang suddenly left without saying goodbye, and only left a sentence for President Song: "Don't read" and disappeared without a trace. President Song suddenly lost his friend and companion for many years, and the recent company... ···

"Let's leave it at that. How are you doing with the recruitment information I asked you to send out? So far, how many people have passed?" In just a split second, Song Yun concealed the sadness on her face without a trace. She is still that strong woman Song Yun who is all-powerful in the business world!
Xiao Wang has been away for more than a month, and the company cannot live without legal counsel, so she immediately released the recruitment information three days after she couldn't find Xiao Wang.And he used all the exam questions for applying for legal counsel left by Xiao Wang before.

Xiao Wang once said that this was the last document he wanted to show, but he still prepared these just in case.Unexpectedly, it is really time to use this document...
"Ah, by the way, President, if you don't say it, I really forgot. There are many people applying for the job. Unfortunately, most of them have not passed the exam questions left by Lawyer Wang..." After the employee finished speaking, the interviewee Showing embarrassment, Song Yun frowned even more because of the employee's words, what's the matter?No one passed? !
Is the level of lawyers nowadays so bad?

"There are only two people who really passed..." After the employee finished speaking, he immediately received Song Yun's blade-like gaze, wouldn't he finish? !
"Did you pass two people? Where are they now?" Song Yun stood up, "Based on the time of application, if you pass the exam now, you should be in the company at this time, right?"

"Yes, they are in the staff room now, President, do you want to go there?"


After Song Yun finished speaking, she walked out of the office, and the rest of the staff had to pack up the documents in their hands, and walked out of the office with Song Yun.

In the staff room, there were two men standing at this moment. They were both sitting in their seats, quietly waiting for the arrival of the president of the Gu Group. One of the waiting men stared straight at the door of the staff room.

(End of this chapter)

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