Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 542 Gu Xifeng [You don’t need to subscribe to dark lines]

Chapter 542 Gu Xifeng [You don’t need to subscribe to dark lines]

Just when the man's eyes were fixed on the door of the staff room, the door of the staff room finally opened——

All the people in the staff room were taken aback for a moment, then immediately stood up from their seats, waiting for Song Yun's arrival.

Song Yun was followed by Xiao Li, whom she was planning to promote recently, and her former secretary resigned with her because of family affairs.But Song Yun discovered that the secretary had gone to another company a week later.

It seems that she has no confidence in the current situation of the company, and feels that the prospects are not long...

But that secretary is also a smart person, and she should know what is the most important thing to take away from this company. If she does anything that is not good for the Gu Group after arriving in that company, Song Yun will not let it go!

Sometimes Song Yun would think to herself, yes, the company is almost unable to survive, what is she still supporting?

Song Yun stepped into the staff room, saw the people standing inside, and told them to sit down, and then they all sat down.

Song Yun looked at the two unfamiliar faces present, her pupils shrank slightly when she saw one of them, but immediately returned to normal, and no one noticed her strangeness.

How could it be... that person? !
No, it's just that the temperament is a bit similar.Yes, it's just that the temperament is a bit similar!

Song Yun's eyes looked at the person she said had a similar temperament again, but she met that person's eyes, only to realize that the person was looking at her with a smile all the time.

"All of you, introduce yourselves." Song Yun's eyes didn't avert from meeting that person's gaze. Instead, she looked at this person upright. This person was dressed quite formally, wearing a simple black suit. Although the other person was dressed quite formally, it was not a suit.From the first glance, Song Yun obviously left a good impression on this man in black suit.

"Hi everyone, Mr. Song, my name is Chen Feng. I am 32 years old this year." The man first introduced briefly.

Next, there is this man in a black suit. He is smiling. I don’t know if it’s because he wears black glasses, which makes his eyes smile like that man’s. "Squinting eyes", Song Yun frowned again.Maybe it's because I can't see my eyes with my glasses...

"My name is Gu Xifeng. I am 40 years old." Gu Xifeng also only said his name and age.

After he finished speaking, Song Yun thought to herself: Is he also surnamed "Gu"?

"So your surname is Gu, what a coincidence, it's the same surname as the Gu Group." Chen Feng looked at Gu Xifeng, who pushed his black glasses and said with a smile, "It's just a coincidence."

Chen Feng also smiled, but he was thinking secretly in his heart that the exam questions for applying for the Gu's Law Group consultant were not easy. Hundreds of people came to apply for the job, and in the end, only himself and this man named Gu Xifeng were left. His strength should not be underestimated.

"You should know that I only applied for one position as the legal advisor of Gu's Group. Now both of them have successfully passed the exam questions left by Xiao Wang before. I believe that both of them have extraordinary abilities, but I'm sorry, just like me As I said just now, I only want one person." Song Yun just said her request succinctly.

 Because I personally like the story of Song Yun, Zhiyang’s mother, I really like it and want to write it, and it also has a certain role in promoting the plot, so if you don’t like it or just want to read the story of Lu Yaoguang’s life experience, you don’t need to subscribe. ~ I will mark [dark line] in the title in the future so that everyone will know when they see it.

(End of this chapter)

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