Enemy Luzhai: Don't be too bad, the devil master

Chapter 559 This Reason Is Enough

Chapter 559 This Reason Is Enough
Gu Zhiyang felt annoyed and funny because of Lu Yaoguang's current attitude, what is Lu Yaoguang doing now?Suddenly scared to death?

"Okay, if you want me not to go over, then give me a reason why I can't get close to you? As long as the reason you give me convinces me, I won't go close to you!" Gu Zhiyang said, standing still, eyes closed Looking straight at Lu Yaoguang.

"I..." Lu Yaoguang was at a loss for words for a moment, what should I say?What reason do you use to tell Gu Zhiyang? !
Because you're already engaged?Because you and Sheng Zhiyue are engaged?
In this way, Gu Zhiyang will definitely not be convinced, he will definitely ask, who is Sheng Zhiyue, and what does it have to do with him...

He is so smart, he will definitely deduce from his performance these two days that his relationship with Sheng Zhiyue must not be simple.

However, she just didn't want Gu Zhiyang to find out about her relationship with Sheng Zhiyue...

Seeing that Lu Yaoguang hadn't answered him all this time, Gu Zhiyang frowned, and began to think in his mind why Lu Yaoguang had been avoiding him all this time. Besides engagement, was there anything else that made her So terrified and scared?But in the past two days, the only thing about his engagement is that she has been in this state ever since she found out that he was going to get engaged. He has already asked people to check whether Sheng Zhiyue and Lu Yaoguang are together... ··

and many more!

Sheng Zhiyue!
"Is it because of that person named Sheng Zhiyue?" Gu Zhiyang narrowed his eyes, Sheng Zhiyue's background even had to use "there" to search for information, but what he got was still blank... ···

This Sheng Zhiyue is really not simple!
as expected!When Lu Yaoguang heard Gu Zhiyang say whether it was because of Sheng Zhiyue, he immediately denied it: "No, it's not her! It has nothing to do with Sheng Zhiyue!"

When Lu Yaoguang panicked, Gu Zhiyang knew it immediately, as expected, it was because of Sheng Zhiyue!
Ma's!What is the origin of this Sheng Zhiyue?What is it for? !How could she get involved with Lu Yaoguang?
"It doesn't matter, then tell me why your reaction these two days is completely different from before? It's not because of Sheng Zhiyue, is it because of me?" Gu Zhiyang sneered, Sheng Zhiyue, right? He doesn't believe it anymore, he must find out who this woman is from!
Lu Yaoguang thought inwardly that he was careless, and Gu Zhiyang turned into what he is now because of his instinctive reaction. He must be suspicious of Sheng Zhiyue!
"No, it's none of Sheng Zhiyue's business." Lu Yaoguang began to calm down his emotions, stood still, his eyes didn't dodge like before, but looked at Gu Zhiyang calmly, "It's because of you. Gu Zhiyang, you are getting engaged."

"Oh, just because of this reason?" Of course Gu Zhiyang didn't believe it, Lu Yaoguang reacted like this because he was going to get engaged for two days, and he refused to admit it even though he was related to Sheng Zhiyue!

"This reason is enough," now, you must quickly explain it to Gu Zhiyang! "You're already engaged, and you've got something to do with me. That's not allowed."

"I don't want to be said to be the third party who ruined your marriage, Gu Zhiyang, do you understand? I don't want to bear the name of mistress!"

ps: What I thought in my mind just now was, "Gu Zhiyang, you are going to get engaged, don't you have a B number in your heart?!" hhh
(End of this chapter)

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